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Jackboots were Snowpiercer's (and Big Alice's) Security Force, acting as the army of the train. They were under the command of Commander Grey, former SAS member. They were seen not only guarding the tail, but also escorting prisoners and maintaining order and security for VIP such as Melanie Cavill when she visited certain parts of the train. A specific group of Jackboots with full facial protection apparently followed Commander Grey when he was on duty, presumed to be Elite Jackboots, as they were more ferocious.

History[edit | edit source]

Joseph Wilford was responsible for creating the Jackboots that were on Snowpiercer (and Big Alice) to maintain order, when Melanie Cavill confronted Wilford for removing half of her geneticists from the passenger list for Jackboots, she then asked for at least 12 Geneticists in exchange for 12 Jackboots, Wilford only agreed to 6.

At boarding, when survivors arrived at the main gate, Grey was ordered by Wilford to use deadly force if needed and when the group of 6 geneticists and their children arrived (who Cavill needed and had tickets), Wilford orders their deaths. During the chaos at boarding many Jackboots were killed or thrown off the train (or left behind), but they were instrumental in stopping more stowaways, later known as "Tailies", from getting aboard. However, they were ultimately unsuccessful in pushing them off the train, managing to only lock them in the last 3 cars[1].

During the Year Three Rebellion, the Tail revolted, but was blind at every door and was defeated, 62 were killed and 13 (including Old Ivan) lost a arm, it is unknown how many Jackboots were killed.

Season 1[edit | edit source]

  • A Jackboot is seen at the 3rd Class Mess Hall when Melanie was making her daily announcement.[1]
  • When the Jackboots were delivering Protein Bars to the Tail, they told the Tailies to get on the floor, upsetting Santiago who hit Jackboot Trotter and tried to attack him, causing Trotter to abuse Santiago.[1]
  • During the failed revolution, at least 13 Jackboots were killed. Including Jackboot Trotter and Jackboot Alvarez[1] The Jackboots, including Jackboot Jefferson and Jackboot Kaffey, then froze off Suzanne's arm as punishment, prior to Melanie's order.[2]
  • Several Jackboots, including Jackboot Clifford were guarding the Cattle Car after the avalanche.[2]
  • Several Jackboots were present when Ruth Wardell announced Apprenticeship selection that moved Miles to Second Class.[2]
  • When Jackboot Jefferson shoved Andre Layton (in a Battery Car next to the Cattle Car), Bess Till assaulted him.[2]
  • Jackboots were present with Ruth when the Apprenticeship selection children were removed.[2]
  • While solving the murder Andre Layton escaped from his cell to give train information to the tail, but failed and was beaten bloody by several Jackboots, including Jackboot Tyson and Jackboot Donaldson.[2]
  • Later, Jackboot Clifford and Jackboot Stroud put a bag on Layton's head (to prevent him from learning about the cars) and brought him to the Hospitality Car, with Sam Roche and Melanie Cavill.[3]
  • 2 Jackboots were at the checkpoint in the Border Checkpoint Car during Fight Night.[3]
  • Jackboot Mansfield guarding Nikki Genêt during Fight Night later left, allowing Nikki to find her way to the Night Car. Later, the same Jackboot guarding her was killed by Erik Sotto so he could kill Nikki.[3]
  • A riot broke out during Fight Night, forcing the Jackboots to stop it.[3]
  • After Nikki was murdered, Jackboots gathered in the Night Car to search for the killer, trapped in Third Class. With the help of the Brakemen.[4]
  • When the Jackboots, including Jackboot Jefferson, came for a sanitation team from the Tail and put them in the brake room, Josie Wellstead was able to use the Access Chip Layton gave her, to get out and meet Astrid. After 2 Jackboots said they have 2 minutes, Josie was able to get back in before the Jackboots came back.[4]
  • When Erik was discovered to be the murderer, the Jackboots along with the Brakemen trapped him in the Sub-Train of Utility Car (C0778) and killed him.[4]
  • Jackboot Kaffey was brought into the Folgers quarters when LJ Folger, was revealed to be the killer. She then tried to attack Layton with a J-Hook, forcing him and the Jackboot to restrain her.[4]
  • 2 Jackboots were with the Folgers and Melanie, when LJ was released to them, they were escorted to their quarters.[5]
  • When the Jackboots, including Jackboot Tyson, brought Tailies out for a sanitation team, Josie traded places with Astrid, to find Layton.[5]
  • When the Third Class delegation was brought to the Night Car for LJ's trial, Jackboots were present.[5]
  • Jackboot Clifford escorted LJ from her quarters to the trial.[5]
  • Jackboots were present at LJ's trial and after her sentence was commuted by "Mr. Wilford", unrest broke out among the Third Class delegation, forcing the Jackboots to break it up.[5]
  • When Melanie Cavill went to The Chains to stop third class from going on strike, the Jackboots, including Jackboot Tyson and Jackboot Clifford abused two people when they spoke out.[6]
  • After the Torreta Canyon Crisis, a Jackboot was with Melanie, as Third Class celebrated.[6]
  • Later, Jackboot Clifford brought Miles to Melanie in the Hospitality Car.[6]
  • A Jackboot was present when Miss Audrey put on a show in the Night Car.[7]
  • 2 Jackboots were with Melanie, in the Hospitality Car (presumably) being told to find Layton.[7]
  • Jackboot Tyson and Jackboot Clifford brought Terence to the Brakemen's Garrison, to talk with Melanie, after he stole suspension drug bags.[7]
  • Jackboot Clifford was with Melanie in the Market, when she asked Zarah Ferami who helped Layton escape and threatened her child (Liana Layton).[7]
  • Melanie and the Jackboots then came for Josie in the Tail and bought her to the Hospitality Car for interrogation, while Jackboot Clifford and another Jackboot stood guard outside. A Jackboot and Grey later showed up.[7]
  • A Jackboot was present when Audrey put on another show in the Night Car.[7]
  • 5 Jackboots passed though the Market, searching for Layton who was hiding in the car, planning the revolution.[8]
  • When Melanie Cavill was revealed to be acting as Wilford and after a group of Jackboots subdued an armed Guard, Commander Grey had all Jackboots (except Jefferson) moved to the front of the train, allowing Andre Layton and Bess Till to infiltrate and free the tail. 2 Jackboots, including Jackboot Tyson, brought Melanie to the Hospitality Car, allowing her to subtly press the panic button to lockdown the Engine. Grey and 3 Jackboots, who were just then trying to get into the Engine, were let in by Javier De La Torre, who was then punched by Bennett Knox and locked out of the Control Room, allowing the Jackboots to arrest him. 3 Jackboots were with Grey and guarding Javi, in the Folgers' quarters, when a Brakemen arrived and said the Tailies were out.[8]
  • Jackboot Jefferson was the first to die when the revolution began. After being knocked out by Bess Till in the Bio-Security Car, he was decapitated, and his head was put in a box in the Night Car as a distraction. Many Jackboots (at least 15) led by Lieutenant Gardiner were killed in the Sub-Train by a large spike firing machine, manned by Big John, Jakes Carter and several Tailies. When they ran out of spikes, Big John held off the Jackboots while the machine was moved to the next barricade, killing 2 before he fell. At the same time, Commander Grey and a group of Jackboots were ambushed in the Night Car, after discovering Jefferson's head in a box. After a bloody battle (that killed at least 14 Jackboots), Commander Grey and the surviving Jackboots were forced to retreat. However a group of Jackboots returned with gas grenades and forced the rebels to retreat and capturing at least 39.[8]
  • Grey and 5 Jackboots passed The Drawers as Strong Boy and Z-Wreck were brought out. Grey with 5 Jackboots in the 1st Class Dinning Car, then asked Pike for information about Layton.[9]
  • Later, the Jackboots, including Jackboot Clifford, then started to execute prisoners from the Night Car, including Walter Flemming, with the Lung of Ice. They also stockpiled all gas canisters at the front with Commander Grey and Lieutenant Gardiner giving orders.[9]
  • Later, 2 Jackboots, Grey and Javi, were outside of the Control Room, discussing how to get in. After Grey said he’ll kill everyone, regardless of surrender, Javi said he’ll tap in down train, override the master controls.[9]
  • When the Jackboots were to execute Melanie, Jinju Seong, Javi and (possibly) The Notary, freed Melanie with coercion and gifts.[9]
  • Jackboots later escorted Pike to the First Class Dinning Car, when Layton surrendered.[9]
  • 2 Jackboots were in the Hospitality Car, when Ruth announced the surrender of the rebels. At the same time, Martin Colvin gave Miss Gillies a gun.[9]
  • Jackboots were present at the fake surrender in Primary Classroom Car 12, afterwards the Jackboots beat Layton bloody. Once in the Sub-Train, Sam Roche uses the gun from Miss Gillies to free Layton, but a fight breaks out with Grey and 2 Jackboots. The Jackboots get the upper hand, but Murray, Z-Wreck and Strong Boy arrive in time and beat the Jackboots and Grey unconscious. Layton then attacks a Jackboot and try’s to free the prisoners in the Incarceration Chamber, but is unable to in time and forced to separate the cars.[9]
  • 102 Jackboots (Including Commander Grey) were then killed when Melanie Cavill and Andre Layton disconnected the 7 cars from Snowpiercer and left them to freeze to death on the Fremont Junction.[9] 4 Jackboots were known to survive the car separation, 2 guarded Ruth Wardell in The Hospitality Car when she broadcasted the surrender of the rebels, during the surrender ruse and 2 stood guard outside of the control room to The Engine after it was locked down. The surviving Jackboots were then disbanded.[10]

Season 2[edit | edit source]

  • After Zarah discovers that Josie Wellstead is still alive, an orderly tells her that a couple of Jackboots brought Josie in just before the fighting started.[11]
  • As problems intensify on Snowpiercer, Brakeman Ames reveals that there is a rumor that the surviving Jackboots have rebuilt a command.[12] After Wilford retakes control of the train, 6 Jackboots arrest Andre Layton and are seen active again and working for him.[12]
  • When Andre Layton and Ruth Wardell take control of Big Alice, they kill 2 Jackboots guarding the Control room and Javier De La Torre using two of Wilford's swords. At the same time, Bennett Knox kicks Jackboot Clifford out of Snowpiercer's Engine and overpowers Sykes.[13]
  • When Wilford found out about Melanie's rescue attempt, he, Alexandra Cavill and 5 Jackboots went to the Engine Big Alice. As a Jackboot cut through the armored door to the Control Room, he had another bring Jupiter. 3 Jackboots then beat Javi bloody and was then mauled by Jupiter. After the Jackboots removed Javi and Jupiter, 2 were present when Alex cut Wilford with a razor and carried him to the Headwoods for medical treatment, afterwards Wilford orders the two to find her.[13]
  • 2 Jackboots later escort Josie Wellstead and the Headwoods, to a EVA Car and close a door, to make sure she goes outside to breach The Engine per Wilford's orders.[13]
  • Later, some of the 7 Jackboots that are attacking Bojan Boscovic may have been killed when Josie breaches The Aquarium and destroys the car, creating the Pirate Train. 3 Jackboots also accompany Wilford when he is confronted by Layton at the Aquarium.[13]

Season 3[edit | edit source]

  • 6 months aboard Wilford's Rolling Gulag, Jackboot Tyson was forced to work in Compost and asked Pike to get her out, to which he said he would in about a week and took a bathing token from her.[14]
  • Later, Jackboot Stu Whiggins (a former Firstie), was in charge of Water Security and told Kevin McMahon, he heard the Second Class Watermaster gives hot baths for service to the resistance.[14]
  • Kevin and the Jackboots then forced a group of Tailies to fling human excrement, on Arnoldo Reyas and a resistance member.[14]
  • Kevin and the Jackboots then attempted to capture the leader of the resistance (Ruth Wardell), in the Sub-Train, but narrowly missed her and Pike.[15]
  • The Jackboots had Javi work and test a EMP weapon, for the Pirate Train, in the Sub-Train, in the front Car of First Class and had a guard post guarding it.[15]
  • After seeing Javi walk by during the wedding, Kevin and the Jackboots went to check the EMP weapon and found and captured Ruth (who distracted them, while it was being disarmed by the resistance).[15]
  • After the loss of the EMP weapon, Wilford and the Jackboots attempted to freeze Ruth’s arm off, before the timely return of the Pirate Train.[15]
  • Wilford then had a Jackboot bring Zarah Ferami to the Engine as a hostage.[16]
  • While handling tanks of decompressed oxygen in Big Alice, Strong Boy, Z-Wreck and a group of Tailies created a distraction while Pike escapes.[16]
  • Using a harpoon gun, the Jackboots managed to take out one of the Pirate Train’s rear tires, forcing Alex and Bennett to disconnect the last four cars in order to prevent a derailment.[16]
  • Pike then threatened Jackboot Whiggins, who was guarding Ruth so he could see her, who told him about the firework controls in the Hospitality Car.[16]
  • Kevin and the Jackboots then tortured Strong Boy to death using Freeze air in the Night Car, while LJ, Os, Z-Wreck and a group of Tailies watched and kicked Z-Wreck when he spoke out.[16]
  • Wilford later had a commander and Jackboot boarding party moved to the connection point, to storm the Pirate Train. However, after his capture by Layton, Wilford ordered the boarding party to stand down and that Layton had the train.[16]
  • Fearful of repercussions for Strong Boy's death, LJ killed Kevin declaring support for the resistance, while the Jackboots could only watch.[16]
  • After Wilford's defeat, the Jackboots were disbanded once again, although Tyson at least found another job as a Breakman.[16]

Equipment and types[edit | edit source]

The jackboots all share the same uniform, a dark blue full sleeve uniform adorned with the logo of Wilford industries at the arms and cargo pants, arm padding to protect against blows and a load bearing vests with pockets. There are different helmet types to differentiate between normal Jackboots and Elite Jackboots led personally by Commander Grey, with normal Jackboots using a standard helmet and the elite Jackboots using balaclava and a full ballistic facial cover.

Weapons include batons hoisted at the back, which is standard issue for every Jackboots and acts like a secondary weapon. Axes and spears are their main weapon in enforcing law and order. The Jackboots carried firearms during the boarding of the Snowpiercer, notably HS Produkt VHS-DS, Norinco QBZ-95 and SIG SG 552/553 assault rifles.

They also utilize shields in enforcement duties or to quell rebellions, using a circular ballistic shield for personal protection, and larger riot police rectangular shields for large scale battles and riots.

There are two types of jackboots, the standard Jackboots that perform patrols intendem with brakeman and act as soldiers to quell rebellions and are notorious for fighting without tactics, clashing with rebels like a medieval fight. The other being the Elite Jackboots, those who's faces are concealed, they are presumed to be the best of the Jackboots and follow the Commander wherever he goes and are ferocious in battle as seen in the nightcar battle and also uses tactics like forming shield walls and spear walls.

Members[edit | edit source]

Appearances[edit | edit source]

Season One
Season Two

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • When Snowpiercer was brought to a stop and Alexandra Cavill boarded, she told Snowpiercer they have 13 minutes to surrender before the cold overcomes and they all freeze to death. Which means the Jackboots in the 7 separated cars, froze to death in 13 minutes after separation. Most of the power in the Utility Cars was drained out before separation.
  • If Grey had access to the Engine, he could have turned off the life support systems and froze the rebel army and Third Class to death, instead of the plan to gas them.
  • Stu Whiggins was presumably recruited from First Class after Tyson resigned.
  • Despite there still being Jackboots, none are at the front line in the Night Car with Wilford in The Original Sinners.
  • Big Alice appeared to not have any Brakemen, with the Jackboots in charge instead.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]