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Suzanne is a recurring character on TNT's Snowpiercer. She is a middle aged Tailie who lives with her son and daughter aboard Snowpiercer. She is portrayed by Sarah Strange.

She participates in the riot against the breachers shortly after Layton is made train detective. In return, she is punished by having her arm frozen and shattered; this leads to her son engaging in sexual activities with Oz for medication. She eventually dies of an infection from her injury.

History[edit | edit source]

In First, the Weather Changed, Suzanne is seen in the background, happily watching Strong Boy lifting Winnie.

Punishment and Death[edit | edit source]

Suzanne's arm is frozen.

Suzanne and her children are involved in the uprising against the Breachers shortly after Andre Layton is appointed Train Detective. They are unsuccessful in their efforts to substantially make a difference to their situation, however.[1] The following day, Ruth Wardell enters the Tail of the train and reveals that someone — Suzanne's daughter — must pay for their uprising. Suzanne pleads with Ruth that she is just a little girl and asks if she can be punished instead given that she allowed her to help in the uprising. Ruth is appreciative that someone finally took the blame, and accepts. Shortly after, Suzanne's arm is clamped and placed outside of Snowpiercer via a hole in the hull; it instantly freezes and when brought back inside, shattered.

Shortly after, Suzanne's son, Patterson, gives John Osweiller oral sex in exchange for medication to dull Suzanne's pain. Oz gives him the Kronole instead of the painkillers, however. Josie asks how Patterson obtained the drugs, but he does not answer.[2]

Suzanne is later recovering under Josie's care when another message from Astrid arrives. Though Josie claims that Suzanne's infection seems to be getting better, Suzanne doesn't seem to believe her.[3]

Suzanne later dies from her infection. Patterson decides against having a ceremony and orders The Last Australian to call for disposal of her body instead.[4]

In the Tailie rebellion, in first Snowpiercer War. Patterson reminds every Tailies to march for Suzanne.

Legacy[edit | edit source]

Months later, while hiding with the Tailies, Ruth encounters Winnie who is immediately frightened of her. Lights, who has taken Winnie in, explains that Ruth had tried to freeze off Winnie's arm before freezing off Suzanne's instead, leading to Suzanne's death. Zarah Ferami is shocked to learn that Suzanne is dead as well as Patterson while Ruth is confronted with the impact of her own actions. After Winnie runs away, Ruth tracks her down and apologizes for what she did to Suzanne, acknowledging that she had done the wrong thing.

Shortly thereafter, Layton offers to sacrifice his own arm to stop the rioters from harming Pike. Flashing back on what she did to Suzanne, Ruth calls for the rioters to stop, urging them not to make the same terrible mistake that she had and brutally harm someone in such a manner. Ruth's words cause the rioters to hesitate long enough for the approach of the Brakemen to force them to retreat.[5]

Personality[edit | edit source]

Relationship[edit | edit source]

Josie Wellstead[edit | edit source]

Josie and Suzanne are very close friends in the Tail. Josie was very angry and rankle when Suzanne's arm was frozen off. She then look after Suzanne until she died.

Appearances[edit | edit source]

Appearance EP1 EP2 EP3 EP4 EP5 EP6 EP7 EP8 EP9 EP10
Season 1 Corpse M M
Season 2 F
Season 3
Season 4
Appeared Did Not Appeared H = Hallucinations
V = Voiced M = Mentioned F = Flashback

Memorable Quotes[edit | edit source]

Season 1[edit | edit source]

Prepare to Brace[edit | edit source]

Suzanne: "Please don’t. Please. Do it to me instead."
Ruth: "Where’s the logic in that?"
Suzanne: "She’s just a little girl."
Ruth: "Yeah, a little girl who helped to kill six men."
Suzanne: "I’m her mother. It’s my fault. I let her help the rebellion."
Ruth: "Finally, someone with the moral fortitude to take responsibility for their actions."
―  Suzanne standing up for Winnie, asking Ruth to take her arm instead.
Oh baby! Come here, baby. It’s okay. It’s okay, honey. You’re so brave. It’s gonna be okay. Look at me. Look at me. Go to your brother. [cries]
— Suzanne to Winnie moments before she lost her arm.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The way her arm is amputated is similar to how Andrew had his arm amputated in the film.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]