In First, the Weather Changed, Martin is seen eating breakfast with his family, York and two of their sons. He greeted Melanie when she walked to their table. He tease Melanie that she is not allowed to have better Cantonese than him when Melanie spoke to his husband.
In Access Is Power, Martin is seen gambling with York in the 1st Class Dining.
In Justice Never Boarded, Martin along with Eugenia, Rajiv, Robert and Commander Grey discusses about how Melanie has too much power thanks to Mr. Wilford. He suddenly informs Melanie about the discussion.
In The Train Demanded Blood, Martin provides the revolution with a gun in secret, not wanting the Folgers to take power.
In The Tortoise and the Hare, it's revealed that Martin became an inadvertent stowaway aboard the Pirate Train after falling asleep in his cabin when Andre Layton hijacked the first ten cars of Snowpiercer. During the six months stranded aboard the train, he has served as the crew's chef. He later assists Miss Audrey in trying to force Alexandra Cavill to leave Layton, Bennett Knox and Josie Wellstead behind and reconnect with the rest of the train due to his concerns about their long-term survival, but Bess Till hits him over the head with a wrench and retakes the Engine.
Martin subsequently doesn't appear again on the Pirate Train, even after the crew has to disconnect four cars, leaving it unknown if Till killed him or knocked him out.