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June is a supporting character in TNT's Snowpiercer. She is portrayed by Elizabeth Thai.


Little is known about June, other than that she is one of the Tailies aboard Snowpiercer. She is possibly Mia Kai-Sheck's mother, although this is unconfirmed.

Throughout the Series

Season 1

In First, the Weather Changed, she is seen attending The Tailie Council War. Standing near Josie. Although she hadn't spoke a single word.

In Prepare to Brace, she watch in terror and anger when Suzanne got her arm froze off by Jackboot Kaffey and Jackboot Jefferson who are complying to Ruth's order. Later in the episode, when Ruth came to the Tail to announces selected children for the apprentice program she is seen sitting with Mia. When Mia's name was announced she happily hugged her.

Season 2

June and Mia reappeared in Our Answer for Everything, the two were both sitting in the Market while Layton made the announcement that the Tailies didn't killed the Breachmen yesterday. However, as tension rises with Jakes Carter, Jackboot Clifford, Annie and Thirdie Yeller shouting that they disagree with Layton and the Tail. Mia and June helped Lights pack her things up and run away, probably to the Tail. However three of them found it harder to get back to the Tail and hides in Doctor Pelton's clinic.


Appearance EP1 EP2 EP3 EP4 EP5 EP6 EP7 EP8 EP9 EP10
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Appeared Did Not Appear H = Hallucinations
V = Voiced C = Cameo F = Flashback

Memorable Quotes


  • Her name was never mentioned in any episodes, although it is listed in the credits.
