- Alex: "I heard stories about you, About how ruthless you can be."
- Melanie: "Can we sit?"
- Alex: "Congratulations, mom. Who knew you'd make your move literally right after we saved you."
- Melanie: "We have to look at it objectively. If you can't do that, you've lost your ways as an engineer."
- Ruth: "Melanie, don't lose your cool."
- Alex: "All I need you to do is speak to Layton before this goes any further."
- ― Alex confronting Melanie.
- Layton: "Thank you for meeting with me."
- Melanie: "I appreciate the opportunity to discuss facts."
- Layton: "The fact is, most of us accept the risk."
- Melanie: "You never disclosed the risks. You're putting all our eggs in one basket. The track is not tested."
- Layton: "Melanie, take the turn, or the Tail Army will do it for you."
- Melanie: "Really? We both know it's a long march to the Engine."
- Tills: " You don't have the forces to defend."
- Melanie: "I can hold you off long enough."
- Ruth: "And then what? Endless seesaw battles for control?"
- Melanie: " No, we wait. We just wait until we know we're right."
- Alex: "Don't do that, Mom. Change course. The young people wanna get off."
- Melanie: "How can I let you, if it's not safe? I want you with me."
- Alex: "Then you'll have to take the turn."
- Melanie: "[Gets on the sub-train]
- Ruth: "Oh, come on, For pity's sake. Both of you."
- Melanie: "In or out, Ruth"
- Ruth: "I'm not letting you go on your own. Hey this isn't over. Figure something out."
- ― Melanie and Ruth trying to figures the way out with Layton, Tills and Alex.
- Ruth: "Layton took Ag-Sec, without firing a shot. His people stuck with him. He holds all the cards now, Melanie."
- Melanie: "Can the Brakemen hold him?"
- Ruth: "Roche won't fight your war. He serves the people. You don't have the pull you once did, you know."
- Melanie: "I need an ally."
- Ruth: "Not Wilford."
- Melanie: "I can control him."
- Ruth: "That's not the point."
- Melanie: " No... The Point. The point is this. [points at Snowpiercer's blueprint] It's everything. Every last soul on Earth. It I have to sell mine to protect theirs… so be it, right?"
- Ruth: "Well, I'm sorry. But I've spent too long redeeming myself to go back now."
- ― Ruth says goodbye to Melanie and joins Layton's side.
- Wilford: "The problem is, Melanie, you're a legend. So you do have support. Former Firsties, some guilds, etc. But you're both militarily outmatched and down in the polls. So, you need me. Two legends are better than one."
- Melanie: "I believe if we were seen as united, then the majority of passengers would choose the train, yes."
- Wilford: "Well, of course. But it still comes down to fear, Fear of Layton's colony, or fear of the train that got them this far."
- Melanie: "There's only one way that this works."
- Wilford: [chuckles] Here it comes."
- Melanie: " I'm Head Engineer. And you retire from Engineering altogether. It's my train."
- Wilford: "Assuming generous comforts. Meaningful consultation, and if I maintain control of certain interests of mine. Cold treatment, for example."
- Melanie: "Assuming all that. And all my shame at cutting a deal with you, if that helps."
- Wilford: "Yes. [Both shakes their hands]
- ― Melanie forming alliance with Wilford.
“ | Y'all trying to face down an army with a garden hose? | ” |
— Z-Wreck to the Ag-Sec workers |