Strong Boy is a recurring character in TNT's Snowpiercer. He is portrayed by Kurt Ostlund.
Throughout The Series
In First, the Weather Changed, he is one of the leaders of the failed revolution and holds Bess Till hostage.
In Prepare to Brace, he is put in the Drawers along with Pike and Z-Wreck.
In These Are His Revolutions, Strong Boy is rescued from the Drawers by The Last Australian, Miss Audrey and Henry Klimpt as Layton's revolution begins. Upon awakening, Strong Boy starts speaking in Mandarin to the shock of the Last Australian as he doesn't speak at all.
In The Train Demanded Blood, the Last Australian realizes that while Strong Boy's brains are scrambled, his personality and reflexes remain intact. The Last Australian leads Strong Boy and Z-Wreck towards the tail where they encounter Andre Layton and Roche struggling with Nolan Grey and the Jackboots. Strong Boy comes to Layton's rescue, beating Grey unconscious. Layton stops him from harming Grey further due to a lack of time and orders the group to take the unconscious Roche up train to safety.
In 994 Cars Long, Strong Boy enjoys the fruits of the rebellion and is amongst the force gathered to greet the people coming aboard from Big season2 he slowly retains the ability to speak english
- His real name and nationality are so far unknown.
- He is also one of the strongest people on the Snowpiercer being able to tear off human limbs with only his hands as well as hold open the gate doors of the sanitation car.