In These Are His Revolutions, Roche and the Brakemen block the charging Tailies in the Chains. However, only Layton and Bess Till approach him rather than attacking all at once. The two attempt to convince Roche and his men to stand aside peacefully for them with Roche unsure of what to do, his faith shaken by the revelation of the truth about Mr. Wilford. After Oz abandons his post, Roche decides that he can't bring himself to stop the Tailies and orders his men to let them all pass freely.
In The Train Demanded Blood, Till approaches Roche for help with their plan to detach the cars containing the Folgers, Grey, and their army. Though initially reluctant, Roche agrees to help and brings Layton to the schoolroom, supposedly as a surrendering prisoner. When Grey and the Jackboots take Layton uptrain to make an official announcement, Roche locks the door to the sub-train and pulls a hidden gun, leading to a struggle that leaves him unconscious. However, Layton and Roche are rescued by Z-Wreck, Strong Boy and The Last Australian. Layton orders his friends to take Roche with them to safety, identifying Roche as one of them.
In 994 Cars Long, Roche struggles to help maintain order as chaos spreads as the Tailies celebrate having the run of the train. Roche later joins the Tailies in preparing to greet whoever comes out of Big Alice when it arrives with the real Mr. Wilford, although he is shocked when Alexandra Cavill emerges. Roche is so shocked by this revelation that he lowers his spear.
In The Eternal Engineer, after Wilford takes control of Snowpiercer, Roche facilitates Layton's surrender before he and his family are placed into the Drawers on Big Alice.
In The First Blow, Bess Till talks with the imprisoned Miss Audrey about Roche and his family being locked in the Drawers and her hope to rescue them because of how kind Roche has always been to her even when they were at odds. Despite being on the opposite side of the conflict, a sympathetic Miss Audrey offers her sincere hope that Roche and his family survived.
After the Pirate Train's return and Wilford's defeat, Roche is rescued from the Drawers by Till and Doctor Pelton. However, the two discover that while Roche and his daughter Carly had survived and are in stable condition, his wife Anne had died at some point during their six months locked up.
In Bound by One Track, after his release and recovery from the Drawers, Roche spiraled into depression and started drinking and sleeping in the Night Car. Blaming Wilford for the death of his wife, he stole an IV bag of the suspension drug and a syringe and injected it into Wilford's heart, putting him into critical condition.
In Setting Itself Right, as the train passes through a cloud of volcanic toxic gas, Roche, now the lead Breakman once again, leads his men in checking on the passengers. While checking up on Carly, he discusses the loss of Anne with her and bonds with his daughter by dancing together.
In The Original Sinners, Roche keeps his Breakmen as a neutral faction between Layton and Melanie, attempting to keep order in the train. However, he reluctantly agrees to help Melanie after she joins forces with Wilford. Roche delivers Melanie's ultimatum to Layton who is uninterested in it.
After everyone is given a choice between remaining on the train and going to New Eden, both Roche and Carly immediately decide to join everyone on Big Alice in going to New Eden. Although the train derails, the passengers all survive and find New Eden to be habitable. Roche enjoys the outside world with his daughter for the first time in years.