Snowpiercer (Film train)

From Snowpiercer Wiki
Revision as of 20:16, 13 January 2023 by >Spacedragon69 (Changed info)
This article is about Snowpiercer in the Movie. You may be looking for Snowpiercer from the TV series.

Snowpiercer was a luxury locomotive cruise line that travelled around the world, able to brave the fiercest elements and Wilford Industries greatest accomplishment.


The Revolt of the Seven, McGregor Riots and The Great Curtis Revolution, were revolutions that happen on the train




The Engine and function seems to be autonomous as no location or a slot for a driver is present, but it does have manuel input needs.

Water for the train is collected from intakes on the front sides of the Engine.

Snowpiercer has translation devices that translate languages by pressing it to the throat.

Gilliam had a secret phone behind a Wilford Industries logo, at the end of the train, to Wilford, who also had the same in the Engine.

Known Cars

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  • Snowpiercer’s circular route was 438,000 kilometres long.
  • The Engine was also known as the Sacred Engine.
  • New Years was celebrated when crossing the Yekaterina Bridge. Snowpiercer was derailed by a avalanche, sometime after crossing the bridge, heading east. Also, New Year eggs from Mr. Wilford, with water boiled by the Engine, were given to the train.
  • According to an interview, the train does not follow the traditional calendar, but rather marks a year as the time it takes to complete one loop of the track.
    • This means one train year can vary in length, and may not be 365 days.
  • 15 years ago, in the 3rd year of the train, 7 passengers (The Revolt of the Seven) tried to stop the train, failing, they jumped of the train and only made it a few short yards from the train (left side), before they froze to death and became the frozen 7. One of which was a maid in the lead car, a Inuit, who knew all about the ice and snow and believed she could survive outside.
  • The Tailies were fed Protein bars.
  • There was a portal to the outside, in the Tail (left side), used to freeze the arms off of Tailies, as punishment.
  • Snowpiercer ran successfully for 18 years, before a part went extinct, forcing Tim to replace it and keep the train going manually, shortly before being derailed in 2031.
  • Only 4 cars and part of one survived the derailment, part of one in the tunnel entrance, 1 in the tunnel and 2 connected to the Engine.


Concept Art