Our Answer for Everything is the seventh episode of the second season of Snowpiercer. It is the seventeenth episode of the series overall.
Layton and Till investigate the murders. Wilford leads Miss Audrey down a dark path.
Back in the present, Till reflects on the previous night on Snowpiercer in which a riot killed six Breachmen. Till becomes increasingly concerned over the lack of control on Snowpiercer and the increasing violence partaking since Wilford's return. Further tensions rise when Bojan begins to blame the Tailies for the crimes, with both Till and Layton adamant that the Tail was not responsible for the murders. Till begins exploring, and asks LJ and Osweiller about the murders, both LJ is reluctant to provide any information. Osweiller, however, agrees to take Till to an antique dealer that may have some idea about the mysterious "W" logo found at the scene.
Meanwhile aboard Snowpiercer, the Engine has trouble contacting Big Alice, and the team become worried that Miss Audrey has defected given she did not return past curfew. Finally, Bennett is able to make contact with Big Alice's engine, and when Layton asks if Miss Audrey is returning, she tells him that she is busy; Mr. Wilford tells Audrey that her performance was not good enough, but Layton and the others remark that they can no longer trust Audrey.
As Alex settles to eat dinner, she receives questions about what is happening aboard Snowpiercer and whether it is their doing or not; Alex is unable to provide answers, however. Upon questioning Sykes about who is responsible, Sykes tells her that if Wilford didn't tell her she is not meant to know. This causes doubt in Alex's mind about her relationship with Wilford.
Meanwhile, a fight erupts on Snowpiercer between Boscovic and the Tailies, with Boscovic convinced that they were responsible for the murder of the eight Breachmen. Roche and Ruth talk, and Ruth explains that Wilford asked her to step onto Big Alice and join him, but that she serves Snowpiercer, just like him. With this, she reflects on the seven years of peace they had under Melanie's control, but Roche remarks that they cannot go back to victimising the Tail.
Osweiller takes Till to see Katya, a dealer in antiques aboard Snowpiercer. She shows Katya the "W" button, and Katya tells her that the button comes from a jacket; with this her grandson, Elan, explains that Katya and Wilford were neighbours, therefore are extremely close. Till questions the trade of a jacket with the buttons on for a fur hat, and Elan describes the woman Katya traded with as being tall and a member of First.
Layton makes an announcement to all of the passengers aboard Snowpiercer in which he defends the Tail, whilst also supporting the mourning of the eight Breachmen. Whilst he understands the pain and the loss, he explains to Ruth and Zarah that he must always protect the Tail, now more than ever given they have no voice. Ruth rebukes him, citing that his announcement will not be received the way he intends.
Aboard Big Alice, Wilford and Miss Audrey talk, with Wilford questioning why Audrey stayed behind. He shows her the screwdriver she brought from Snowpiercer, asking what it is for, but Audrey remarks that he already knows. When Wilford asks if it is to switch the communication lines and allow Snowpiercer to listen in, she confirms, but remarks that she stayed behind due to their connection and not to complete the mission. With this, Wilford takes her to a secluded room and explains that she must prove herself like anyone else. Entering the room, Audrey finds a frightened and regressed Kevin, seemingly not dead. Wilford orders Audrey to "fix" him, and leaves the room.
Alex confronts Wilford in Big Alice's Engine, questioning why he has been shutting her out and hiding things from her. He remarks that he knows how close she has gotten with Melanie, including taking her into the barracks, and that she now must prove to him why he saved her. Wilford tells her that she will do well to remember that each day she lives is a gift from him, but Alex becomes increasingly annoyed that she must chose between Melanie and Wilford. Nonetheless, it is a decision Wilford is forcing her to make.
Guest Starring |
- Camille Atebe as Cherry Sherry
- Ian Collins as Tristan
- Miranda Edwards as Lights
- RJ Fetherstonhaugh as Jackboot Clifford
- Yvetta Fisher as Katya
- Stefania Indelicato as Thirdie Yeller
- Esther Li as Carly
- Matthew Mandzij as Brakeman West
- Jane McGregor as Astrid
- Kelly-Ruth Mercier as Annie
- Nikita Justin Olechko as Elan
- Emma Oliver as Winnie
- Kurt Ostlund as Strong Boy
- Dylan Schmid as Patterson
- Brent Stait as Jakes Carter
- Elizabeth Thai as June
- Kwasi Thomas as Z-Wreck
- Garfield Wilson as Jackboot Kaffey
- Carolyn Yu as Mia
- It's confirmed that Miss Audrey failed to tap into Big Alice's comms.
- Strong Boy is starting to be able to speak English again.
- Kevin McMahon is revealed to still be alive.
- Pastor Logan is revealed to be the one behind the Breachmen's assassinations and Wilford's mole. Eugenia is revealed to have killed at least one of the Breachmen, Cherry Sherry, at Logan's direction, and is arrested for it.
- After being confronted with Winnie and the consequences of her actions towards Suzanne, Ruth expresses remorse for her previous actions and solidly sides with Layton.
- Roche's wife and daughter are shown for the first time. He appears to be unsure of his loyalty anymore, not knowing if his family should light a lantern signaling Wilford yet or not.
- Alexandra Cavill is revealed to have completely lost Joseph Wilford's confidence because she will not completely disown her mother Melanie Cavill, and has been kept in the dark on Wilford's recent plans.
Body Count
Behind the Scenes
See also