
From Snowpiercer Wiki
Revision as of 03:31, 11 January 2021 by (talk) (Spelling)

Jackboots were Snowpiercer's Security Force, acting as the army of the train. They were under the command of Commander Grey, former SAS member. They were seen not only guarding the tail, but also escorting prisoners and maintaining order and security for VIP such as Melanie Cavill when she visits certain parts of the train.


They were formed from the Security Forces that guarded the Wilford Industries' Chicago Compound and Snowpiercer itself. During the chaos at boarding many Jackboots were killed or thrown off the train, but they were instrumental in stopping more stowaways, later known as "Tailies", from getting aboard. However, they were ultimately unsuccessful in pushing them off the train, managing to only lock them in the last 3 cars[1].

During the Year Three Rebellion, the Tail revolted, but was blind at every door and was defeated, 62 were killed and 13 (including Old Ivan) lost a arm, it is unknown how many Jackboots were killed. During the failed revolution, at least 13 Jackboots were killed. The Jackboots then froze off Suzanne’s arm as punishment. While solving the murder Andre Layton escaped from his cell to give train information to the tail, but failed and was beaten bloody by the Jackboots. When Erik Sotto was discovered to be the murderer, the Jackboots trapped him in the Sub-Train of Utility Car (C0778) and killed him. When Melanie Cavill went to The Chains to stop third class from going on strike, the Jackboots abused two people when they spoke out. When Melanie Cavill was revealed to be acting as Mr. Wilford, Commander Grey had all Jackboots (except Jefferson) moved to the front of the train, allowing Andre Layton and Bess Till to infiltrate and free the tail.

Jackboot Jefferson was the first to die when the revolution began. After being knocked out by Bess Till in the Bio-Security Car, he was decapitated and his head was put in a box in the Night Car. Many Jackboots (at least 15) were killed in the Sub-Train by a large spike firing machine, manned by Big John and several Tailies. When they ran out of spikes, Big John held off the Jackboots while the machine was moved to the next barricade, killing 2 before he fell. At the same time, Commander Grey and a group of Jackboots were ambushed in the Night Car, after discovering Jefferson's head in a box. After a bloody battle (that killed at least 14 Jackboots), Commander Grey and the surviving Jackboots were forced to retreat. However a group of Jackboots returned with gas grenades and forced the rebels to retreat and capturing at least 32.

Afterwards, at least 109 Jackboots (Including Commander Grey) were killed when Melanie Cavill and Andre Layton disconnected 7 cars from Snowpiercer and left them to freeze to death on a siding[2]. 4 Jackboots were known to survive the car separation, 2 guarded Ruth Wardell in The Hospitality Car when she broadcasted the surrender of the rebels, during the surrender ruse and 2 stood guard outside of the control room to The Engine after it was locked down. The surviving Jackboots were then (presumably) disbanded.


  • Commander Nolan Grey
  • Jackboot Trotter
  • Jackboot Alvarez
  • Jackboot Jefferson
  • Jackboot Clifford
  • Jackboot Donaldson
  • Jackboot Tyson
  • Jackboot Kaffey
  • Jackboot Stroud
  • Jackboot Mansfield
  • Jackboot Rogers


Season One


When Snowpiercer was brought to a stop and Alexandra Cavill boarded, she told Snowpiercer they have 13 minutes to surrender before the cold overcomes and they all freeze to death. Which means the Jackboots in the 7 separated cars, froze to death in 13 minutes after separation. Most of the power in the Utility Cars was drained out before separation.

