Originally serving as two of three tail Cargo Cars, these cars were overrun by stowaways later named "Tailies" during Snowpiercer's departure from Chicago.
During the first couple of years, there were cannibal kill cults in the Tail. One gang in particular, they would kill anyone, eat anyone. Having no choice, the rest of the Tail including Andre Layton ambushed and killed it’s leader and brought it to a end. Layton and a group of Tailies, then ate a piece of the leader’s heart, so that no one could say they were innocent and vowed never again.
During the Year Three Rebellion the Tail revolted, but was blind at every door and was defeated, 62 were killed and 13 (including Old Ivan) lost a arm.
Whenever a Tailie would kill another, they were given a weapon, so it would be fair.
Seven years after departure, the Tail had their rations cut again and were being starved to extinction. The women were being sterilized and there had not been a child born in the Tail for five years.
After celebrating his 84th birthday, Old Ivan hung himself, causing the Tail to revolt. During the failed revolution, 14 Tailies and at least 13 Jackboots are killed. After the failed revolution, Suzanne has her arm frozen as punishment and later dies from an infection.
The Cargo Cars offer very little space and a tight environment, just big enough to survive in. Considering almost 400 sparks live in just these three cars (Docking Car included), there is an extreme lack of personal space, as noted by Old Ivan. The cars consist mostly of bunk beds (that were once shelfs) on each side, and some space for barrels of stored Protein Bars, water and medicine. There is a hole in the hull that is used by the Jackboots to freeze arms off Tailies as punishment.
The Tailies boarding the Cargo Cars
Cargo Car insides
Cargo Car insides at departure
Cargo Car Doors
Cargo car insides, seven years later
Alexandra Cavill boards Snowpiercer