The Universe Is Indifferent is the seventh episode of the first season of Snowpiercer. It is the seventh episode of the series overall.
On a divided Snowpiercer, Melanie intensifies her search for Layton. Meanwhile, Layton is weaponizing her secret, and Third Class faces a reckoning when he presents them with a choice.
“ | To be human is to be self-involved. Everyone believes they're the center of the universe. We can't help it. It's in our nature. We scheme, we plot. We play our silly little games. Like, do we think we're the most important thing in the world? We're just not. See, I understand something most people are afraid to admit. The universe is indifferent. It doesn't care about our stupid, little plans or our fragile, little hearts. The universe has its own plans for us... aboard Snowpiercer, 1,001 cars long. | ” |
— LJ Folger |
In the Engine room, Javi fears that Layton will reveal to the entire train that Mr. Wilford doesn’t exist, and thus suggests coming clean to the passengers about it only being the three of them. Bennett is against the idea, as is Melanie, with the former remarking that they’d have their heads in the port in no time, and the latter remarking that Layton won’t spill her secret, rather garner and figure out a way to use it against her. She tells Javi it is his turn to drive the train, and leaves to make an announcement to the train. During the announcement, she tells of a fatality during the emergency a day prior in which one of their engineers was killed. In return, Miles will be selected as an apprentice as is Snowpiercer custom — Ruth overhears this and airs her concern that Melanie is pushing Miles too quickly.
Layton and Josie awaken in Pelton’s room and overhear the announcement. Josie is immediately concerned and, despite Layton’s reluctance, Josie is insistent on making contact with Miles. Layton explains that it is too dangerous and a trap, but jokes that they finally got a Tailie in the Engine room. Josie draws parallels of getting ready for work pre-Freeze, and the two joke about the access chip.
Melanie and Jinju talk with Klimpt, who reveals that Layton has been missing from the Drawers since the night of the fight. He also reveals that numerous bags of the suspension drug — which can be chemically altered to produce Kronole — have been stolen from medical. Melanie realises that Terence must somehow be connected and pulls him in for questioning. Terence is reluctant to reveal anything, but when threatened with the prospect of loosing his arm, he reveals that he met Layton once and gave details of the Sean Wise murder. When Melanie rebukes him, citing that the information wouldn’t even save a finger, Terence offers to get close to Layton and bring him in when he surfaces.
Miles’ class celebrate his new status as engineer and as a gift, he is given an orange. Moments later, Bennett talks with him and Miles expresses discomfort, but Bennett tells him it’s normal to feel distanced from other people. Seconds later, Miles begins vomiting, causing the entire carriage to put on masks and escort Miles — along with Bennett — to the clinic.
Ruth passes Commander Grey in the walkway of one of the carriages and he thanks her for her announcement during the crisis, citing that it warmed a lot of hearts and comforted numerous passengers. The conversation continues, and Grey asks if she would like to get dinner later in the day, and Ruth agrees.
Layton is brought to the Nightcar where he asks Audrey for help speaking with some of her connections. She is reluctant to help him, citing that he is asking people to join a revolution, but Layton is able to convince her that he has a plan, but needs Audrey’s assistance to move Third. Layton reveals that he will tell everything he knows to the key people Audrey trusts.
Arriving at medical, Miles is taken into a separate room by Pelton, but Bennett insists that the blinds remain open and a guaranteed field of vision at all times. Inside, it is revealed the doctor assisting Pelton is Josie, Miles’ mother. Josie explains that the revolution is happening, and that they have to be apart a little longer. She whispers something in his ear, but is forced to leave when Bennett gets suspicious and enters the cart.
Ruth arrives on her date with Grey and seems visibly nervous, so much so that Grey picks up on the atmosphere and asks if she is alright. The two talk about how Ruth came to work on Snowpiercer; she explains her origins about meeting Mr. Wilford and her employment. Ruth questions why Grey has waited so long after his wife’s death to start dating, but he is unable to answer as Lilah and Robert enter the room — it is revealed to be a set up in an effort to get an audience with Ruth. Peter explains that the passengers believe Melanie has too much power with Mr. Wilford and, therefore, they would like to replace Melanie with Ruth. Ruth is disgusted that the three would consider such a thing, but Grey tries to convince her anyway.
Melanie tosses Zarah’s chambers, revealing that she knows she aided Layton, and would like to know who helped him escape the drawers. Melanie, armed with the knowledge, heads to the Tail and takes Josie prisoner. She brings Josie to the Hospitality office and dismisses Till, who is worried that Josie will rat her out. Melanie questions Layton’s location, but Josie is reluctant to reveal any information. Josie reveals that she is aware there is no Wilford, therefore she knows Melanie will not let her go no matter the promises. Melanie explains that she did not engineer Snowpiercer, but inherited someone else’s creation.[1] Melanie realises that nothing she does will ever make Josie talk and, in return, Melanie freezes and shatters one of her fingers.
Layton holds a meeting with those Audrey trusts, and reveals that he figured out what everybody already thinks about Mr. Wilford. He further asks for their support in storming the train, and offers the 400 Tailies to the cause; people, however, are reluctant to believe him. Terence is brought into the meeting and reveals the deal he made with Cavill, but remarks that he won’t play favourites and is therefore out of the deal, much to Layton’s surprise.
Till tells the Jackboots to chip her into the Hospitality office where she can check on Josie. She asks what she can do, but Josie tells her there is nothing to be done as Melanie will be back. Till has a hard time coming to grips with what she did, and her new position and trust the Tail has instilled in her; she remarks that she is still a Brakeman and still has a duty to the train. Till remarks again that she is lost for ideas, but Josie implores her to get a message to Layton, and reveal that Zarah betrayed them but she made contact with Miles who is ready for the revolution. Before she departs, the two share a look of solace, and Josie asks Till to do one last thing for her.
Melanie arrives moments later but is confronted by Ruth, who wants to make her aware of the revolution growing in First. Melanie dismisses her rudely and this causes Ruth to reconsider Lilah Folger’s offer. When Melanie enters the room, she finds Josie’s arm completely frozen. Josie forcefully shatters her own arm and — now free from the cuffs — fights with Melanie. She manages to get the upper hand and the vent to the outside is broken, allowing freezing cold air to enter. Melanie is able to get the upper hand and leave the office, closing the door behind her and watching as Josie freezes to death. She tells Grey, who arrives moments later angry that Melanie conducted an interrogation without him, to take Josie to compost.
Till arrives in the Nightcar but struggles to tell him of Josie’s death, the only words she is able to utter are “Josie”, and Layton quickly realises what has happened.
Meanwhile, Miles is brought to Melanie, who tells him once he passes through the door, there is no turning back and he must make sacrifices. In the Nightcar, LJ is pulled into one of the carts for her experience, but is surprised to find Layton waiting for her. She looks worried, but Layton offers her something she cannot resist: the most expensive secret on the train, Mr. Wilford’s identity — or lack thereof.
Guest Starring |
- It has been five or six weeks since Access Is Power and two days since Justice Never Boarded.
- The title is a line used by LJ Folger.
- Miles is officially promoted to apprentice engineer status.
- With Josie's apparent death, it seems that Bess Till is slipping further and further into the Tail's grasp, and is closer than ever in aligning with their ideology.
- In Smolder to Life, its revealed that Josie actually survived and was taken to the Third Class clinic by the Jackboots but suffered severe frostbite.
Body Count
- None
Promotional Images
Behind the Scenes
See also
- ↑ This seems to be a continuity error, in the previous episode, Melanie revealed that she designed Snowpiercer.