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(No more sign of him and all dialogue suggests that he really did die)
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Back aboard Snowpiercer, Javi, Bennett and Layton discuss with the rest of the team Wilford's offer of providing a replacement God Module and the condition that he come aboard to fit it. Whilst the other's do not agree with allowing Wilford aboard and what message this would send, Layton remarks that they have no choice and will most likely die otherwise. Nonetheless, Layton assures the team that Wilford will be watched at all times and secretly brought aboard Snowpiercer.  
Back aboard Snowpiercer, Javi, Bennett and Layton discuss with the rest of the team Wilford's offer of providing a replacement God Module and the condition that he come aboard to fit it. Whilst the other's do not agree with allowing Wilford aboard and what message this would send, Layton remarks that they have no choice and will most likely die otherwise. Nonetheless, Layton assures the team that Wilford will be watched at all times and secretly brought aboard Snowpiercer.  

At the border between [[Big Alice]] and [[Snowpiercer]], Layton, [[Ruth Wardell|Ruth]] and [[Sam Roche|Roche]] welcom Wilford aboard. They lead him to the Engine but stop along the way whilst Wilford admires his creation. Arriving in the server room, Wilford watches as the God Module is replaced by Javi and Bennett. Things quickly go south in the room, however, when the system overloads — a direct result of Melanie's bypass of the system during their fifth revolution — and Wilford remarks that the God Module will not work. As a result, however, they have only minutes before both trains are doomed. Wilford tries to calm the Engine down and think of a plan, but eventually figures out that the only way for them to survive is to manually shut down Snowpiercer's Engine and allow Big Alice to push the train along the track; this would require over 200 manual shutdown's, however.  
At the border between [[Big Alice]] and [[Snowpiercer]], Layton, [[Ruth Wardell|Ruth]] and [[Sam Roche|Roche]] welcom Wilford aboard. They lead him to the Engine but stop along the way whilst Wilford admires his creation. Arriving in the server room, Wilford watches as the God Module is replaced by Javi and Bennett. Things quickly go south in the room, however, when the system overloads — a direct result of Melanie's bypass of the system during their fifth revolution — and Wilford remarks that the God Module will not work. As a result, however, they have only minutes before both trains are doomed. Wilford tries to calm the Engine down and think of a plan, but eventually figures out that the only way for them to survive is to manually shut down Snowpiercer's Engine and allow Big Alice to push the train along the track to effect a jump start of the Engine; this would require over 200 manual shutdown's, however.  

Realising that this is their only option, Bennett announces to the train that they are in a category five emergency and calls all teams to the sub-train to assist with the manual shutdown. Announcements over the PA worry senior members of Hospitality, with [[Ruth Wardell|Ruth]] remarking that this has never been done before and they cannot be sure that a manual restart will work. Till remarks that several members of Snowpiercer have found out about Wilford's presence and are mobilizing their forces to keep him in the Engine.
Realising that this is their only option, Bennett announces to the train that they are in a category five emergency and calls all teams to the sub-train to assist with the manual shutdown. Announcements over the PA worry senior members of Hospitality, with [[Ruth Wardell|Ruth]] remarking that this has never been done before and they cannot be sure that a manual restart will work. Till remarks that several members of Snowpiercer have found out about Wilford's presence and are mobilizing their forces to keep him in the Engine.

In the Engine, Wilford coordinates the shutdown, announcing over the PA that he is back in the Engine and will tell the crew when to engage the shutdown. With this, he tells Alex that she will need to be ready to push Snowpiercer as they will only have three minutes after the shutdown. With this, Wilford orders the shut down..  
In the Engine, Wilford coordinates the shutdown, announcing over the PA that he is back in the Engine and will tell the crew when to engage the shutdown. With this, he tells Alex that she will need to be ready to push Snowpiercer as they will only have three minutes after the shutdown. With this, Wilford orders the shut down.

Wilford announces to the crew to begin restarting the systems and Alex hands control of the train back to Bennett in Snowpiercer's Engine. With this, passengers aboard Snowpiercer begin shouting for Wilford and applauding him at every opportunity; Layton leaves the Engine, subconsciously aware that he has lost control of the train and the faith of the people aboard. Bennett silently aids Layton in firing a flare from the front of the train, signaling the Tail as promised that things have gone badly.
Wilford announces to the crew to begin restarting the systems and Alex hands control of the train back to Bennett in Snowpiercer's Engine. With this, passengers aboard Snowpiercer begin shouting for Wilford and applauding him at every opportunity; Layton leaves the Engine, subconsciously aware that he has lost control of the train and the faith of the people aboard. Bennett silently aids Layton in firing a flare from the front of the train, signaling the Tail as promised that things have gone badly.

Revision as of 06:51, 26 January 2022

The Eternal Engineer is the eighth episode of the second season of Snowpiercer. It is the eighteenth episode of the series overall.


An engineering catastrophe forces Layton to make a difficult choice that might cost him everything.


Aboard Snowpiercer, the Brakemen, Breachmen and immediate management of Snowpiercer gather as Boki prepares to eject the deceased Breachmen from the train. As they stand by, Layton witnesses numerous Brakemen holding their hands in the "W" formation — a clear indication that they support Wilford. After Boki ejects the bodies, Layton, Till, Roche, and Doctor Pelton talk about the situation regarding the lanterns and the support shown for Wilford. Layton is worried that the Brakemen are defecting, but Roche assures him that they behaved in respect for tradition, and that they will follow him and Layton to the end. Till worries that the Tail is still being blamed for the crimes despite her having arrested two suspects, but Pelton assures Layton that Second still follows him.

Roche arrives at his quarters to tell his daughter that she is moving up-train. She isn't happy about the move, and questions why she must move and cannot remain where she is. Roche tells her that it is for her protection and will be closer to school. After she has left, Roche talks with her mother, and assures her that she must keep the faith and he will do his part and keep the peace; the two are distracted following this when their tap begins leaking and floods their cabin.

Aboard Big Alice, Alex questions Wilford about the opening of the seal earlier that day. Wilford tries to pass off the event as Snowpiercer ejecting their dead, but Alex tells him that it was something else, and that he is hiding something from her. Nonetheless, he attempts to change the conversation by remarking how smooth the stretch of track ahead is. Shortly after, he leaves Alex to visit Josie Wellstead, where he shows her the results of the Headwoods' treatment, and further assists her with the phantom pain she is experiencing with her missing hand. With this, he remarks that he will no longer be locking her door and that she is free to roam Big Alice as she pleases.

In the Engine of Snowpiercer, Bennett, Pike, Javi and Layton become increasingly concerned with the water leaks aboard the train. Bennett surmises that there has been a problem with the gills, and they have more than likely been jammed open. With the Breachmen dead, however, and with Boki more than likely reluctant to help, Bennett reveals that the issue is quite severe. Nonetheless, they are able to convince a reluctant Boki to assist them in closing the gills.

Icy Bob is seen on the outside of the trains, presumably having jammed open the gills to sabotage Snowpiercer. Alex is shocked at the scene, and questions what Icy Bob is doing outside, but Wilford and the Headwoods' ignore her and instead are fixated on trying to warm Icy Bob up and save his life.

Meanwhile, Josie ventures out into the dining car of Big Alice, and is met by Miss Audrey, who compliments the work the Headwoods have done to her face. Josie realises that Miss Audrey has defected, but Audrey remarks that she has simply returned home to where she belongs. With this, Audrey tries to convince Josie to stay aboard Big Alice and take advantage of everything Wilford and the Headwoods have to offer, but Josie is reluctant and instead remarks that she wishes to return home to Snowpiercer and Layton.

Following the discussion with Audrey, Josie visits the Headwoods lab where she finds Icy Bob, barely surviving. She questions what pain relief he has been given, but Icy Bob simply remarks that he has served his purpose and is ready to go. With this, Josie cannot resist opening the door of the lab and exposing her hand to the Freeze, only to realise that she is in fact, somewhat resistant to the temperatures outside.

In Big Alice's Engine, Alex questions Wilford about Snowpiercer's venting and the fact that they're slowing a considerable amount. Wilford suggests that Alice radio to Snowpiercer and ask about the situation, but when she does, Bennett simply tells her that they're slowing for routine maintenance and will make up for lost time later. With this, Bennett further slows the train to 55km/h whilst Boki removes the obstruction from the gills. Bringing it back inside, Boki realises that he has been betrayed by Wilford and hands back the Wilford pin, completely changing sides to Layton's side.

As Ruth checks on the repairs and maintenance aboard Snowpiercer, she is questioned by Anne, Roche's wife, who tells her that she has just been asked where they stand — with Wilford, or with Layton. Ruth tells her that they must remain neutral as Hospitality and Brakemen, but Anne remarks that she is sure that Roche has chosen a side. With this, she questions Roche over the issue, and he remarks that he stands with Layton. Roche tells Anne that they cannot go back to the way things were, even at the cost of peace aboard Snowpiercer.

Back in maintenance, LJ and Osweiller finish up their shift and LJ prepares dinner for the two. The two begin talking, and both tell each other that they're each other's favourite person. With this, the two grow closer and eventually kiss for the first time since they began working together.

In Snowpiercer's Engine, Javi and Bennett show Layton the server room responsible for running the Engine. Whilst down in the server room, Javi notices fluctuations with the hydrogen sensor, which eventually leads them to find that Icy Bob's meddling damaged one of the Engine's components and without a suitable replacement, the trains will cease working within two hours. Layton remarks that this is probably Wilford's doing and that he will more than likely have a spare God Module to replace the broken one.

In Big Alice's Engine, Alex investigates Snowpiercer's venting and questions Audrey and Wilford about what Icy Bob did and why Snowpiercer has began speeding up once more. Audrey remarks that she will more than likely hear soon enough and with this, the phone rings.

Back aboard Snowpiercer, Javi, Bennett and Layton discuss with the rest of the team Wilford's offer of providing a replacement God Module and the condition that he come aboard to fit it. Whilst the other's do not agree with allowing Wilford aboard and what message this would send, Layton remarks that they have no choice and will most likely die otherwise. Nonetheless, Layton assures the team that Wilford will be watched at all times and secretly brought aboard Snowpiercer.

At the border between Big Alice and Snowpiercer, Layton, Ruth and Roche welcom Wilford aboard. They lead him to the Engine but stop along the way whilst Wilford admires his creation. Arriving in the server room, Wilford watches as the God Module is replaced by Javi and Bennett. Things quickly go south in the room, however, when the system overloads — a direct result of Melanie's bypass of the system during their fifth revolution — and Wilford remarks that the God Module will not work. As a result, however, they have only minutes before both trains are doomed. Wilford tries to calm the Engine down and think of a plan, but eventually figures out that the only way for them to survive is to manually shut down Snowpiercer's Engine and allow Big Alice to push the train along the track to effect a jump start of the Engine; this would require over 200 manual shutdown's, however.

Realising that this is their only option, Bennett announces to the train that they are in a category five emergency and calls all teams to the sub-train to assist with the manual shutdown. Announcements over the PA worry senior members of Hospitality, with Ruth remarking that this has never been done before and they cannot be sure that a manual restart will work. Till remarks that several members of Snowpiercer have found out about Wilford's presence and are mobilizing their forces to keep him in the Engine.

In the Engine, Wilford coordinates the shutdown, announcing over the PA that he is back in the Engine and will tell the crew when to engage the shutdown. With this, he tells Alex that she will need to be ready to push Snowpiercer as they will only have three minutes after the shutdown. With this, Wilford orders the shut down.

Wilford announces to the crew to begin restarting the systems and Alex hands control of the train back to Bennett in Snowpiercer's Engine. With this, passengers aboard Snowpiercer begin shouting for Wilford and applauding him at every opportunity; Layton leaves the Engine, subconsciously aware that he has lost control of the train and the faith of the people aboard. Bennett silently aids Layton in firing a flare from the front of the train, signaling the Tail as promised that things have gone badly.

Following Wilford's takeover, Layton is arrested and taken aboard Big Alice where he is to face his punishment. Roche is escorted aboard Big Alice by Miss Audrey, who takes him to the Headwoods' lab as he is put into the drawers along with the rest of his family. Meanwhile, Mr. Wilford arrives in the Engine and is handed control of the train by Bennett.



Guest Starring



Wilford gave me this himself. He said "Breachmen risk their lives for me. With this, I pledge the same to you." Take it. Maybe you can shove it up his ass one day, huh? Sir.
— Boki gives Layton his Wilford pin and switches sides
Mr. Wilford, you have the train.
Bennett hands control of the train to Wilford.


  • The episode had a viewership of 0.89m, with 0.19m within the 18—49 demographic.[1]
  • Big Alice has The Drawers aboard. Sam Roche was imprisoned in them with his family.
  • Josie is shown to have mostly healed from her frostbite and is starting to develop abilities similar to Icy Bob.
  • It's stated that there is a rumor that the surviving Jackboots have rebuilt a command. At the end of the episode, they are shown active again, working for Wilford.
  • Snowpiercer appears to have been partially repaired as the train is moving on at least some of its own power rather than relying completely on Big Alice for movement. This is further indicated by Javier De La Torre telling Layton that the Engine "still isn't running at full capacity," suggesting that its running at least somewhat on its own again.
  • The events of this episode are why Snowpiercer was late returning for Melanie in Many Miles From Snowpiercer: the train had to slow down as a result of the problems from Icy Bob's sabotage.
  • Bojan Boscovic changes sides after realizing that Wilford had Snowpiercer sabotaged and did in fact betray him.
  • Wilford regains control of the train while Layton is arrested and Roche and his family are placed into the Drawers.
  • Miss Audrey is reading Speak, Memory, an autobiographical memoir by writer Vladimir Nabokov. At the same moment they listen to the song What I Got, I Got form Maurice Rice.
  • Miss Audrey, while in the bathtub aboard Big Alice, is singing “Joey” from the 1990 album “Bloodletting” by Concrete Blonde, written by Johnette Napolitano.
  • As confirmed by Roche, Mr. Wilford engineered Snowpiercer with portals to freeze people’s arms off as punishment.

Body Count




Behind the Scenes


See also
