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Revision as of 08:29, 14 November 2022

A ride above the rest. Ride the luxury Rails - Wilford Industries Global Express
— Wilford Industries

Wilford Industries is a large organization responsible for designing, building, maintaining and operating multiple trains, including Snowpiercer and a secondary supply train Big Alice. It is unknown how many trains the company owns in total.


Little is known about the inception of the company, other than prior to the freeze. It is known to have built bridges in Serbia therefore presumably offering train service there. Wilford was apparently Chicago’s most powerful, had parties on 'party trains'f or days. Melanie Cavill was contracted by Mr. Wilford to design a Luxury Liner, the Wilford Industries Global Express. The company first developed and constructed a Prototype Engine nicknamed Big Alice, Melanie Cavill then built the Eternal Engine for the Global Express. Both Engines used Perpetual Motion Technology. This Liner (which earned the nickname, Wilford’s Dreamliner) and would cruise a 318,000km long track, stretched across the globe. Many major cities were included in this railway track, including Moscow, Berlin, Paris, Jerusalem, Bangkok, Singapore, Sydney, Bejing, Anchorage, and Panama City.[1]

Wilford Industries' compound in Chicago.

Eventually, Mr. Wilford realized that climate change is unavoidable, through the CW-7 chemical agent, and he undertook steps to refit his Luxury Liner into an Ark. Wilford Industries Global Express became Snowpiercer, while Mr. Wilford sold tickets to finance this refit. Ultimately, his goal was not to save humanity but to live his lavish life as long as he could and was eventually taken out of the equation by Melanie Cavill.

Wilford Industries built the Bering Strait Bridge for its train, the Himalaya Roundabout; called the Corkscrew (to turn the train around), the Mongols track; undulating efficient terrain (straight), the Oceania Loop, Ottoman Spur, a secondary line; test track over the Rocky Mountains called Neckbreaker and the Breslauer Weather Station in the Rocky Mountain's near the test track. It also built autonomous machines, such as maintenance vehicles, Track scalers and plows.

It is currently unknown if the suspended animation technology used by The Drawers was developed by Wilford Industries, or if it was already commercially available technology.


  • Snowpiercer - Luxury liner turned Ark that circles the globe.
  • Big Alice - Prototype Engine. Later designed as a secondary supply train.
  • Pirate train - 10 car train created from the front of Snowpiercer to rescue Melanie.


Snowpiercer Employees

  • Miles - Engine Apprentice/Engineering Life Systems
  • Jakes Carter - Tunnelmen (Sub-Train)
  • Hedges - Tunnelmen
  • Tristan - Head of Hospitality
  • Cakemaker
  • The Notary - Notary
  • Arnoldo Reyas - Second Class Watermaster
  • Quartermaster
  • Around 5 Jackboots + 1 new member
  • Brakeman Fuller - Brakemen
  • Jinju Seong - Agricultural Officer
  • Junior Butcher - Former Cattle Car Worker
  • Henry Klimpt - Former Lead Doctor on the Drawer project
  • Doctor Pelton - Medical Doctor
  • Doctor Kanu - Psychiatrist
  • Miss Gillies - Primary Teacher
  • Anton - Tailer
  • Annie - Janitor
  • Right Hand Man - Janitor/Fight Night competitor (lower left arm missing)

Big Alice Employees

Snowpiercer Former Employees

Big Alice Former Employees

  • Alexandra Cavill - Engineer/Second in command
  • Kevin McMahon - Head of Hospitality (both trains) (Deceased)
  • Sykes - Head of Security
  • Icy Bob - Freeze augmented Breachman/Bodyguard (Deceased)
  • At least 2 Jackboots (Deceased)
  • Mr. Headwood - Scientist (Deceased)
  • Emilia - Seamstress (Deceased)
  • At least 4 Crewmen from failed invasion (Deceased)
  • Cruel Guard - Compost Guard (Deceased)


  • Wilford Industries is the company behind Wilford Industries Global Express. A luxury ride around the world on board a luxury liner train
  • The company presumably had major facilities near Chicago, as both Snowpiercer and Big Alice were located there.
  • Unlike in the film, the train owned by Wilford Industries was run by Melanie Cavill pretending to be Mr. Wilford, until being discovered.
  • Passengers sometimes greet each other by hand movement over their chest in the shape of "W".
  • Bojan Boscovic had worked for Wilford since he was 14, Aleks Paunovic who portrays Boki was born in 1969, which means Wilford Industries existed at least from 1983 until the Freeze happened.
  • Wilford Industries motto is (Honor. Order. Work.).
  • Wilford Industries built The Wilford Industries Digital Automation System (The Engine's brain), and The Self Regulating Harmonic Module (The God Module).
  • According to news clippings on the Wilford memorial in the Tea Room, advertisement posters in the Hospitality Car and a flashback from Many Miles From Snowpiercer, the Eternal Engine was built for the Wilford Industries Global Express.
  • Even though they did do work (Sanitation), the Tailies were not considered employees.
  • After Layton tells Asha she’s on Snowpiercer, she isn’t confused what that is and is surprised it survived, which means the Wilford Industries Global Express was also known as Snowpiercer, before it was secretly turned into a ark.
  • The fact that a rail yard exists (in northeast China) for trains the size of Snowpiercer and Big Alice in The First Blow, suggests that giant trains were an emerging industry, or industry, before the Freeze. Also as revealed by Wilford’s map at the end of Ouroboros and a computer map in Setting Itself Right, there are alternate track routes across the Earth.
  • The Track switches operate on battery power (presumably once connected to the grid).
  • The Track scaler and automated vehicles (presumably) had facilities and operated all over the world. Also due to the fact that Snowpiercer had a crane and room for it onboard, as well as a spur track that brought it next to the train, the Wilford Industries Global Express, must have preformed occasional maintenance on the vehicles.


Season One

