Ok but When the cars were disconnected, Cavill later told Ruth, she sent 147 people to their deaths. So there where 10 first class passengers (including the folgers), at least 28 rebels that were sacrificed, so subtract that from 147 and you have 109 jackboots. Also if there where 300 jackboots, and you subtract 154 that where killed (including the failed revolution), you would have 96 left, basically all jackboots except a few went to battle the tail. Also, when Layton was building the new government, Ruth says "... When you murdered the security forces", so the number can't be 130, or Ruth would have said "half of the forces". Finally the brakeman garrison is located downtrain in 3rd class, so all 49 brakeman would have met Leyton and till, not 12. The numbers are real because i watched the scenes over and carefully, counted the deaths, listen to quotes, and did the math.