Description[edit source]
To use this template, add the {{Character}} template and fill in the appropriate fields. Fields left blank will not appear in articles. This infobox template uses Fandom's infobox syntax.
Syntax[edit source]
{{Character | name = | image = | imagecaption = | aliases = | relatives = | affiliation = | marital = | birthDate = | birthPlace = | deathDate = | deathPlace = | species = | gender = | height = | weight = | eyes = }}
Sample output[edit source]
{{Character | name = Flowa | image = Example.jpg | imagecaption = Flowa, at rest | aliases = Flo | relatives = | affiliation = | marital = | birthDate = July 21st, 2013 | birthPlace = Iowa | deathDate = | deathPlace = | species = Plant | gender = | height = | weight = | eyes = }}