Damien Ho

From Snowpiercer Wiki

Damien Ho is recurring character in TNT's Snowpiercer. He is portrayed by Mike Li.

History[edit | edit source]

It is not known if he was originally meant to be on Snowpiercer, but as of Season 2, he is a worker aboard Big Alice.

Throughout The Series[edit | edit source]

In A Single Trade, he works as a galley's chef, he is seen handing out Alex's meal for her in the morning. He was one of the crew members who won a trip to Snowpiercer.

In Keep Hope Alive, he attended Wilford's book club.

Appearances[edit | edit source]

Appearance EP1 EP2 EP3 EP4 EP5 EP6 EP7 EP8 EP9 EP10
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Appeared Did Not Appear H = Hallucinations
V = Voiced M = Mentioned F = Flashback

Gallery[edit | edit source]