Miles' Family, including Miles' Mother, her husband Mike, Miles, and daughter tried to board Snowpiercer when it was departing. However only Miles and his mother made it aboard, his mother hides Miles behind one of the supply boxes and unfortunately got thrown out from Snowpiercer by a Jackboot. She died along with Miles' Family from The Freeze.
Miles, this way! Go! You're gonna have to hide. Go! Keep going! It's gonna be okay. You need to hide honey okay? Just get in there, okay? Just don't come out. It's going to be okay. It's going to be alright.
— Miles' Mother last words before Snowpiercer's departure.
Josie: "Do you remember your mum, Miles?"
Miles: "Uh.. I remember.. she smelled good."
Josie: "That's all?"
Mile: "I only remember the train. You are my tail mom."