Access Chip

From Snowpiercer Wiki

An Access Chip is a Microchip implant that is placed between the thumb and index finger for all Snowpiercer's passengers. Those in the Tail do not have access chips. The Access Chip utilizes RFID technology.

Access Chips allow Train employees (and residents) to move throughout the train and its carriages without the need for a physical key. It is also used to access the Sub-Train.

Description[edit | edit source]

The chips are used by all Train employees to access the doors and other features. It is embedded into their hand in between the thumb and index finger. The chip was sold in the black market by a brakeman, John Osweiller. This chip was stolen from the hand of Sean Wise that was killed by the train's serial Killer. The chip is then kept in a small capsule to be used by Osweiller to open a door.[1]

Andre Layton is able to exchange his wedding ring — given back to him by Zarah Ferami — for an access chip from Terence. He gifts this access chip to Josie Wellstead via kissing, in a bid to allow her to plan the next steps of the revolution.[1]

One of the jobs of the Hospitality Department was to handle class-transfers such as when a 3rd Class won fight night or when someone from Third Class marries a member of 2nd Class (such as when Bess Till marries Jinju Seong in Season 1) where the Notary will then declare their transfer to a higher class and give them access to the Second Class. Some times, people from the Tail were even brought up-train to serve as a worker or apprenticeship (in this case, Zarah Ferami where she was given third class for working in the night car). On other cases, they also handle cabin access such as in Season Two with Andre Layton and Zarah Ferrari were given a first-class ticket and cabin which was previously owned by the The Schwartz Couple from Ruth Wardell after she found out that Zarah was pregnant with Liana Layton.

Train Access[edit | edit source]

The access chip is a way for passengers to get around Snowpiercer easily, but different passengers have different clearances. Here is a rundown of what most clearances were aboard the train, what they could access, and of course, who received such clearances.

  • Engineering Department - Received access to most of the train including the sub train, J-Links, and most cabins/cars.
  • Hospitality Department - Received access to most first class cabins, all cars except the engine, and even the tail.
  • 1st Class - Could enter most classes including second and third, first class dining car, and their own cabins.
  • 2nd Class - Could enter the night car, all second class cars, second class dining, and all of third class, as well as their cabins.
  • 3rd Class - Could enter the chains, third class cars and cabins, and on certain occasions the night car during an event.
  • Jackboots - Could enter most cars including first class but was restricted due to duties being mostly the tail section.
  • Brakemen - Had access to the brakemen garrison, all of second and third class, barely ever entered first class unless necessary.
  • Breachmen - Had round the clock access to mostly all cars, including breach hulls in the Utility Car (EVA).
  • Melanie Cavill - Her personal clearance could open every door around the train, handed over to Andre Layton in The Train Demanded Blood.

Appearances[edit | edit source]

Appearance EP1 EP2 EP3 EP4 EP5 EP6 EP7 EP8 EP9 EP10
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
✔ = Appeared Did Not Appear H = Hallucinations
V = Voiced C = Cameo F = Flashback

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]