Thirdie Yeller

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Thirdie Yeller is a recurring character on TNT's Snowpiercer. She is portrayed by Stefania Indelicato.

History[edit | edit source]

Not much is known about Thirdie Yeller, other than that she is one of the Third Class Passengers aboard Snowpiercer.

Throughout The Series[edit | edit source]

Season 1[edit | edit source]

In Trouble Comes Sideways, when Melanie arrived at The Chains to stop the ongoing Thirdie Strike, the Thridie Yeller swore at Melanie, causing Jackboot Clifford to abuse her.

Season 2[edit | edit source]

In Our Answer for Everything, Jakes listened to Layton's announcement in the Market, along with Thirdie Yeller, Jackboot Clifford, Jackboot Kaffey and Annie. They along with other ticketed passengers disagree and yell about the Tail and began rioting to abuse Tailies. Later Jakes, Clifford, Kaffey and Annie found Pike and tried to freeze his arm off, which was stopped by Layton and Ruth. Thirdie Yeller then told them that the Brakemen are coming, so that everyone could escape in time.

Personality[edit | edit source]

She cares about the Thirdie's rights as well as justice for Third. She is also brave as she dares enough to yell loudly at Melanie who was believed to work closely to Mr. Wilford.[1]

Appearances[edit | edit source]

Appearance EP1 EP2 EP3 EP4 EP5 EP6 EP7 EP8 EP9 EP10
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
✔ = Appeared Did Not Appear H = Hallucinations
V = Voiced C = Cameo F = Flashback

Memorable Quotes[edit | edit source]

Corrupt Wilford whore! Fascist scum!
— Thirdie Yeller to Melanie in Trouble Comes Sideways.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Her name was never mentioned on-screen nor listed in the credits.