
From Snowpiercer Wiki

Breachmen risk their lives for me. With this… I pledge the same to you.
Wilford gave a pin to every Breachmen to remind them how important they are.

The Breachmen was a guild on Snowpiercer. Their duty was to perform all sorts of extra-vehicular or breached environment repairs. Their uniforms were blue shirts and red jumper.

History[edit | edit source]

The Breachmen garrison is located in Third Class. Equipped with loads of weights and punching bags, it had been renamed "MuscleBreach".

They were believers of Wilford's vision. When the revolution came to pass on Snowpiercer, the Breachmen refrain from taking sides, preferring to remain neutral. According to Lead Breachman Boscovic, they were waiting out the democratic regime as they believed it would fail eventually.

When Lights was attacked in the Market and her two fingers removed, the Breachmen were suspected of the act though Boscovic denied this though he did admit that they were waiting for when Wilford would retake the train.

All of the Breachmen (except Bojan), were later murdered as part of Wilford's plan. After taking control of the train, Wilford personally executed their 8 murderers (including Eugenia) in a car with the Lung of Ice.

Later, after attempting to separate The Aquarium car from the rest of the train, Bojan fights and is overwhelmed by Jackboots. He's then apparently killed when the car is destroyed.

On the Pirate Train, Andre Layton, Josie Wellstead and Bennett Knox handle the outside work with Layton effectively working as an acting Breachman. Layton mentions that without the three of them, they have no one else for outside work.

After the reconnection of the Pirate Train, Layton, Josie and occasionally Asha perform the tasks that would normally fall to the Breachmen.

Members[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The Breachman had tattoos of the Wilford Industries logo and motto on the left side of their chests.
  • According to Cherry Sherry, they were juicing the world's last steroids.
  • Snowpiercer has 16 breach exits, all of which can be secured from outside entry.
  • Whenever someone uses a breach exit, it alerts The Engine.
  • The Breachman used EVA Suit‘s.

Appearances[edit | edit source]

Season One
Season Two

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]