Bojan Boscovic

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Revision as of 03:10, 16 March 2021 by >WarGrowlmon18 (→‎Throughout The Series)

Bojan "Boki" Boscovic is a recurring character on TNT's Snowpiercer. He is portrayed by Aleks Paunovic.

He is a large and fearsome-looking Breachworker, one of the most dangerous jobs on the train, with frostbite scars and stumped ears who is used to the cold and jokes about the hazards of the job. A lifetime Wilford employee, Boki sides with Wilford upon his return until Wilford's sabotage of the train after murder of the Breechmen causes him to realize that Wilford truly is the enemy and Boki switches his allegiance to Andre Layton.



He has worked for Wilford Industries since he was 14. He first met Mr. Wilford while building bridges in Serbia for Mr. Wilford’s luxury liner route.

Throughout The Series

Ag-Sec breach

Boki makes his first appearance following the breach of one of the Ag-Sec carts in which a window is broken and everything inside freezes to death. When Melanie Cavill and Bennett investigate, it is deemed that emergency repairs are needed. Melanie remarks that they can throttle power back by 10%, perhaps 12% at a push, however Boki remarks that he'll need at least 25% to repair the train properly. Despite this, Melanie reveals that 12% is the maximum amount they can afford given their current circumstances.[1]


Boki appears as a Breach Team worker showing how it's like aboard Snowpiercer to the classroom. He is then called by Melanie Cavill to the subtrain to fix a hydraulic piston.[2]

The Revolution

Along with the rest of the Breachmen, Boki sat out the revolution, mourning the apparent death of Mr. Wilford.[3]

The Return of Mr. Wilford

Boki and the Breachmen are suspected in the attack on Lights by Wilford supporters following his return in Big Alice. Although Boki proudly declares himself as a Wilford supporter, he insists that he had nothing to do with the attack.[3]

Boki is later attacked by a revenge-seeking Lights and several Tailies, but continues to protest his innocence. A brawl breaks out when the other Breachmen get involved, before Bess Till breaks it up. Boki later flashes the Wilford sign at Till from the bar.[4]

As the investigation continues, Layton gets word from Josie Wellstead that Wilford is planning something with the Breachmen. As Layton and Roche confront a confused Boki, the other Breachmen are assassinated by Wilford agents in a coordinated attack, leaving Boki as the only survivor.[5]

Boki is left grieving the deaths of the Breachmen, his family and believes the Tail to be responsible. Although Pastor Logan promises to keep an eye on Boki, he lets Boki out and he assaults the Tailies in anger. Till later realizes that Pastor Logan was the actual mastermind and that he purposefully let Boki go in order to cause trouble. Pastor Logan commits suicide before Till can force him to reveal the truth, however.[6]

Switching Sides

The next day, the still-grieving Boki dumps the bodies of the Breachmen off of the train on a bridge as a form of a funeral. Layton and Till reveal the truth to Boki, but he refuses to believe it. After the water intake is damaged, Layton calls upon Boki to fix it which he agrees to do. Boki manages to remove a railroad spike from the intake with some difficulty, fixing the problem.

Meeting with Layton, Bennett Knox and Javier De La Torre in the Engine, a disgusted Boki reveals that the train was deliberately sabotaged by Wilford, having seen proof of someone else on the access ladder before him. Bennett and Javi leave Layton and Boki alone and Boki holds up his Wilford pin and reveals that Wilford gave it to him personally as a promise that as the Breachmen put their lives on the line for Wilford, Wilford would do the same to him. Now on Layton's side completely, Boki turns his pin over to Layton, addressing him as "sir" for the first time and suggesting that maybe Layton can shove the pin up Wilford's ass one day for him.[7]




Season One
Season Two

Memorable Quotes


  • Surname "Boscovic" is possibly a nod to composer Nicolas Boscovic who co-performed Snowpiercers' soundtrack.

