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Annie is a supporting character on TNT's Snowpiercer. She is portrayed by Kelly-Ruth Mercier.


Not much is known about Annie, other than that she is one of the Janitors aboard Snowpiercer.

Throughout The Series

Season 1

She was seen attending Fight Night, watching the fight with Terence. Later Zarah asked her if Layton could talk to Terence. She then lead Layton to Terence.[1]

When Astrid and Josie switch places so that Josie could find Layton. Astrid sent Josie to the Market and tells Josie to look for a butterfly sign. Annie grabbed Josie and takes her to Terence. Later she would steal Henry Klimpt's key to get Terence and Josie to The Drawers. The two janitors were only there to steal the supplies, leaving Josie alone.[2]

Season 2

When Pike was trading Amazing Alice to Terence, Annie called Terence to get downstairs to see John Osweiller and LJ Folger, which they had come to ask for work.[3]

Later when tension between Tailies and the passengers arise, Tailies were accused for killing the Breachmen. Annie listened to Layton's announcement in the Market, along with Thirdie Yeller, Jackboot Clifford, Jackboot Kaffey and Jakes. They along with other ticketed passengers disagree and yell about the Tail and began to riot to abuse Tailies. Later Jakes, Clifford, Kaffey and Annie found Pike and tried to freeze his arm off, which was stopped by Layton and Ruth. Thirdie Yeller then told them that the Brakemen are coming, so that everyone could escape in time.

When Wilford sabotaged the engine, Annie was sitting in the 3rd Class Mess Hall, along with Jakes Carter, Jackboot Kaffey, Jackboot Clifford and Jackboot Tyson. Jakes told the group that he saw Wilford's return.[4]

Season 3

After Melanie's return with days arriving at New Eden, Annie delivered poison hid in deserts to Wilford. The poison was later used to kill Brakeman Tyson, Henry and Brendan allowing Wilford to escape from the Library Car.[5]


Appearance EP1 EP2 EP3 EP4 EP5 EP6 EP7 EP8 EP9 EP10
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
✔ = Appeared Did Not Appear H = Hallucinations
V = Voiced C = Cameo F = Flashback

Memorable Quotes

Hey, Mr. Layton. You're the pain in the ass. Come on.
— Annie to Layton after he strongly insists to talk to Terence in Access Is Power.
Oh, maybe you haven't heard. There isn't a First Class anymore.
— Annie to LJ Folger when she claims she has useful connections in Smolder to Life.
Jakes: "Layton’s revolution was supposed to be for all of us!"
Annie: "To hell with him! Once a Tailie, always a Tailie."
Clifford: "This is Wilford’s train. Always was, always will be."
Kaffey: "Let’s get some Tailies! Come on!"
―  People talking about Layton after his announcement in Our Answer for Everything.


