The Tortoise and the Hare is the first episode of the third season of Snowpiercer. It is the twenty-first episode of the series overall. The episode aired on TNT January 24, 2022 and then internationally on Netflix the next day.
While Wilford emphasizes his rule aboard his icy train, Layton's pirate train continues its dangerous quest for warm spots, and comes across something entirely unexpected.
Guest Starring
Co-Starring |
- This episode picks up six months after "Into the White."
- Snowpiercer has become a "rolling gulag" 1,023 cars long under Wilford's leadership.
- Ruth Wardell has become the leader of the resistance aboard Snowpiercer. Pike assists her.
- The train has to deal with low temperatures and freezing issues due to Big Alice powering both trains alone.
- First Class has been decommissioned and left empty and frozen. Wilford claims that he will restore it when he gets the Engine and Audrey back.
- There are essentially no classes on the train anymore, despite Wilford's intentions to run Snowpiercer according to the original class system. Every passenger is a part of the working class, and can't be spared from work to due the train's bad condition. No one is allowed to enjoy any kind of privileged lifestyle, due to the lack of energy and resources.
- Wilford has been forced to stop the culling of the passengers that he had planned due to Miss Audrey being a hostage.
- Javier De La Torre is revealed to still be alive, but he is scarred and hooked up to IVs working as the Engineer on Big Alice.
- LJ Folger and Oz now run the Night Car.
- The pirate train has spent six months following Melanie Cavill's climate model without success in search of a habitable place.
- Miss Audrey remains a prisoner while Sykes has begun cooperating with the crew as a POW.
- It's revealed that Martin Colvin is a part of the crew, having accidentally stowed away on board due to falling asleep in his cabin before the hijacking occurred and then not being discovered until afterwards.
- Layton has what appears to be a vision of a dragon blood tree in Socotra.
- Layton finds another survivor in a bunker in North Korea.
- The Headwoods are seen doing something to Layton and Zara's unborn child.
- Sykes' loyalty to Wilford appears to be wavering as she refuses to help Audrey and Martin, instead allowing herself to be locked up.
Body Count
- 43 people (froze to death in the Drawers due to the cold permeating both trains; mentioned only)
Behind the Scenes
See also