Utility Car (C0351)

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Utility cars house payload space, but more importantly power banks to accumulate power as the train travels. After the civil war and separation of C0351, at least 37 Battery Cars were offline[1]. This suggests that large parts of Snowpiercer are dedicated to power reserves.

History of C0351[edit | edit source]

During the Civil War, C0351 served as a Execution Car. The form of execution was "Lung of Ice" which consists of having the lungs frozen by the outside air when inhaled through some sort of breathing mask. Walter Flemming and at least 3 others were executed this way.

When Melanie Cavill was sentenced to die, Javier De La Torre, Jinju Seong (and possibly The Notary) rescued her.

Later, Melanie, Andre Layton, Bennett Knox and Miles disconnected seven cars from Snowpiercer to get rid of the Folgers, Nolan Grey and their army of Jackboots. The Execution Car was one of these cars.[2]

Technology[edit | edit source]

The batteries in the car were developed by Solar Industries in Colorado, USA. They are Lead-acid batteries (6-GFM-200/12V200Ah) encased in a recycled aluminum shell.[3]

Interior[edit | edit source]

Each car consists of three sections, with double internal bulkheads dividing them. To grant access through the door, a RFID Access Chip must be used. The battery section has several levels of batteries stacked in rows on each side of the car. While blue light illuminates the battery packs, they themselves have red indicators. The Utility section (mainly in the middle of the car) has a storage room divided by two RFID protected bars.[3] The Sub-Train is accessible in the battery section, by a hatch in the floor.

Appearances[edit | edit source]

Season One

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The lifetime of this kind of battery is around 5-7 years.
  • One of these batteries can charge a iPhone X around 73 times.
  • Each battery has around the same power capacity as a Tesla Model 3 Standard Range.
  • Ironically, the batteries carry a "Non Spillable" label.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]