“ | Ride the luxury Rails - Wilford Industries Global Express | ” |
— Wilford Industries |
Wilford Industries is a large organization responsible for designing, building, and maintaining Snowpiercer. Under the guise of the mythical "Mr. Wilford", the company is run by Melanie Cavill[1].
There are only a limited number of people aware of the company's leadership, and each plays a vital part in keeping order aboard the train.
Little is known about the inception of the company, other than prior to the freeze, Melanie Cavill was contracted by Mr. Wilford to design a Luxury Liner based on Perpetual Motion Engine technology. The company first developed and constructed a prototype engine nicknamed Big Alice, and eventually a Luxury Liner that would later be called Snowpiercer. This Liner was operational for at least 1 year[2] before the Freeze and would cruise 318 000km long track, stretched across the globe. Many major cities were included in this railway track, including Moscow, Berlin, Paris, Jerusalem, Bangkok, Singapore, Sydney, Bejing, Anchorage, and Panama City.[1]

Eventually, Mr. Wilford realized that climate change is unavoidable, be it thru war or CW-7 chemical agent, and he
undertook steps to refit his Luxury Liner into an Ark. Wilford Industries Global Express became Snowpiercer, while Mr. Wilford sold tickets on board his Ark to finance this refit. Ultimately, his goal was not to save humanity but to live his lavish life as long as he could and was eventually taken out of the equation by Melanie Cavill.
It is currently unknown if the suspended animation technology used by The Drawers was developed by Wilford Industries, or if it was already commercially available technology.
- Snowpiercer - Luxury Liner turned Ark that circles the globe
- Big Alice - Prototype train that was never intended to survive the Freeze.
Current Employees
Former Employees
- Wilford Industries is the company behind Wilford Industries Global Express. A luxury ride around the world on board a luxury liner train
- The company presumably had major facilities near Chicago, as both Snowpiercer and Big Alice were located there.
- Unlike in Snowpiercer, the train owned by Wilford Industries is run by Melanie Cavill pretending to be Mr. Wilford.
- Passengers sometimes greet each other by hand movement over their chest in the shape of "W".
- Season One