Sykes is a recurring character on TNT's Snowpiercer. She is portrayed by Chelsea Harris.
She is a covert operative, and the right-hand advisor to an important new leader, Sykes is reserved and coolly efficient. She is well-versed in the dark arts of intelligence and, while she seems loyal, one begins to wonder whether she can be trusted at all.
Not much is known about her prior to big Alice. It was revealed by Melanie when she boarded Big Alice that she didn’t recognize her but recognized Kevin and therefore was not part of the original crew. She seems to be a high-ranking member aboard Big Alice.
Throughout The Series
Season 2
Taken Prisoner
After Wilford takes full control of Snowpiercer, Sykes is sent to guard Bennett Knox in the Engine alongside a Jackboot. After learning that Melanie Cavill is still alive, Javier De La Torre contacts Bennett from the Engine on Big Alice and informs him of the plan to go after Melanie in code which Sykes, not being an Engineer, is unable to understand. When the time comes to turn onto Neckbreaker, Bennett manages to throw the Jackboot out of the Engine and engages in a fight with Sykes. Despite Sykes dominating the fight, Bennett eventually manages to knock her unconscious and handcuffs her to the console.
Sykes wakes up while Andre Layton's crew are preparing to create a separate pirate train. Bennett mostly ignores her, but when the train's sensors detect someone going outside, Sykes warns Bennett that its Josie Wellstead and that Wilford is sending her to breach the Engine which will kill them both. However, Bennett contacts Josie over the radio and redirects her to breach and destroy the Aquarium, successfully separating the trains. Still in the Engine at the time of separation, Sykes is left as a prisoner on the pirate train alongside Miss Audrey.[1]
Season 3
Prisoner of War
For the next six months, Sykes remains a prisoner of war aboard the pirate train. Unlike Miss Audrey, Sykes adapts and eventually starts serving the crew as a waitress, stating that she is doing her part as a prisoner of war. However, she appears to possibly be enjoying her time amongst the crew and wavering in her loyalty to Wilford to the point that she allows herself to be locked up rather than help Audrey and Martin Colvin try to take over the train.[2]
When Wilford derails part of the train and they have to cut it loose, Sykes rescues Asha from danger, much to the gratitude of Layton. Sykes tells him that Asha had waited for eight years on the outside and they can't very well kill her on day two.[3]
After the trains reconnect, Sykes appears to have earned Layton's trust to the point that she is allowed t0 roam free and he assigns her to confine Miss Audrey to Third and ban her from the Night Car. Sykes tells Audrey that she chose the wrong side, tosses her clothes at her and leaves while Audrey wonders if there even is a right side anymore.[3]
- Season Two
- The Time of Two Engines
- Smolder to Life
- A Great Odyssey
- A Single Trade
- Keep Hope Alive
- Our Answer for Everything
- The Show Must Go On
- Into the White
- Season Three
Memorable Quotes
- Sykes: "Our friend uptrain lit a lantern. We're a go."
- Wilford: "Good work, Sykes."
- ― Sykes briefing Wilford on the Breachmen murder plan
- Alex: "Wait! Sykes. Wait a minute. What's going on? This was us, right?"
- Sykes: "If Wilford didn't tell you, then you're not supposed to know."
- Alex: "Why not?"
- Sykes: "I don't know. Take it up with him."
- ― Alex and Sykes on the Breachmen murders
- Bennett: "Now, don't do anything stupid, all right? I don't want to hurt you."
- Sykes: "You ever used one of those?"
- Bennett: " It's a bat."
- Sykes: "I'll show you."
- ― Bennett prepares to fight Sykes