The Poultry Cars are a series of a few cars situated in Ag-Sec for the purpose of raising and growing chickens and eggs.
History[edit | edit source]
Technology[edit | edit source]
Interior[edit | edit source]
Appearances[edit | edit source]
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- More power was diverted to Poultey then other cars during the Pirate Train’s absence in order to keep the chickens alive.
- One of the poultry cars was effected by the toxic volcanic gas in "Setting Itself Right"
- Right after the poultry cars is Aquaculture.
- The car was first shown in "The Time of Two Engines", when Wilford demanded a chicken (among other things from a list), but was first mentioned by Robert Folger in "The Train Demanded Blood" (after cars were separated from their cars).