Pilot Episode

From Snowpiercer Wiki
Revision as of 15:02, 5 February 2024 by >BoltTheSailor27 (Added some of the plot (page 1-23), added more info, corrected some information, fixed grammar mistakes. Still WIP)

All That Remains, better known as the Pilot Episode, was the unaired pilot episode of Snowpiercer. (A pilot episode is a standalone episode of a TV-Series made to sell the show to television networks/distributors as a testing ground to see and test if the series will be successful.)

The script was written and the episode was shot sometime between 2016 and 2017. It has never been released to the public and has most probably been lost to time, however concept art as well as numerous photographs of the sets, episode and the script has surfaced on the internet.

The 72 page script can be read here.


Background, departure

The episode starts off with white letters in black explaining the freeze before it shows workers in dark uniforms unloading cargo boxes from CAT-type snow vehicles into what the script describes Snowpiercer as "enormous steel containers" in a forest. Just then, a large mob of people, who later become the tailies, storm the compound. Armed security forces (Jackboots), who have black weather masks, come out from the train to fight the mob in silhouette. A short while later the train departs, with a portion of the mob onboard.


where we soon cut to a cattle car showing cow number 18, before it cuts again to the tail following a boy named Fergus. Fergus goes over to a different car with cages that may have been for large dogs, but remodeled as a "rube-goldbergian series of metal dividers and wooden planks and wire that both contain and control hundreds of rats who all have numbers written on them." Next to the cages sleeps Layton Well, which wakes up a little bit after Fergus arrives and sits across him patiently. When Layton wakes up, smart Fergus shows off a rat trap which he mentions he might be able to make 2 more of it if he takes apart 3 of the others. He runs off after Layton puts the number 3 rat into the trap and gives it to him just as a chime sounds across the train; a woman's voice wishes everyone well on behalf of Wilford Industries and Transport. Just then 5 tailies re-enter the tail section as they come back from filthy toxic work, escorted by Brakemen. One of them is Ian McConnel, Fergus' father, who arrives at the McConnel bunk after hugging his son. Josie, Ian's wife, cleans his face from the toxic industrial waste. Afterwards Josie and Layton clean Kronole off of Ian's boots as they discuss about the "Engineer's test." Layton mentions he has already loaned the Harper girl with his Andronicus but is not sure if Fergus has whatever it takes.

Meanwhile we cut to workers’ quarters in 4th class. Clean, spare, like an army barrack with screens have been put up throughout for privacy. 12-15 people live in this car. It’s not ideal, but it’s not the tail and they’re not prisoners. At the same time as the events in the tail we see Anderson pod we see Jack, Lilah and LJ eating breakfast shortly before we hear the chime and the woman's voice again. They put away their breakfasts into small lockers before they enter the sub-train through a hatch and ride it to AG-SEC where Jack and another worker, Silva, get off in an agriculture car before making their way to car 56 where cow 18 waits for it's breakfast. At the same time, Lilah and LJ continue riding the sub-train before it stops. LJ gets off at the same agriculture car while wearing amber-orange heavy garden work clothing. An older woman named Mrs. Wright tells her to haul some bags to downtrain of the agriculture section as aft planters need help. We cut back to Lilah getting off the sub-train and into a small changing room where she quickly gets ready with make-up before entering a high-end nail saloon, clients wearing sky blue with nail laborers wearing black. She approaches her client from the upper class; Melanie Cavill, the voice of the train, who's early, but apologizes nonetheless. Some weirdness ensues as Lilah is uneasy talking about Mr. Wilford after her a coworker crosses the "W" across their chest after Lilah mentions the word "train." Melanie finds it amusing and afterwards asks Lilah to do something similar to her nails like what she did with the lipstick.

Meanwhile, John Osweiller awakens Bess Till and tells her that they will be pulling Pixi Aariak (from the Nightcar) out of the drawers. We hear the chime and voice over train-wide speakers again as they get up and walk downtrain before using the sub-train. They later arrive to meet Magistire Maki, the prison warden pope, and Dr. Alfredsson. As Pixi's drawer is opened, Dr. Alfredsson mentions they've been tapering the suspension for the last 2 days to make her wake-up process easier. The warden unlocks the cuff on Pixi arm, revealing her arm is black from elbow to fingertip. The doctor informs them Pixi has been in the drawers for 3 years, the longest anyone has ever been, but just then Pixi screams awake. Till and Osweiller rush to the drawer to stop Pixi from rolling around and injuring herself. Afterwards Till sits next to Pixi in the recovery room. Pixi keeps spitting out a bloody red into the sink after taking a sip from a cup of water. Till later has to wash Pixi, where she finds out Pixi is hurting inside. Afterwards Till takes Pixi back to the prison car where her sentence of 3 full turns for Manslaughter with a Mitigation of Self-Defense to be complete.

Till and Oz then take Pixi back to the Night car using the subtrain, where a man working at the desk in the waiting room welcomes her back. While waiting Osweiller curiously skims through a book, but then Miss Audrey (in her sixties) then comes in, relieved to see Pixi out of the drawers again. They have an emotional re-unite as the Brakemen are about to leave, Pixi starts speaking in a hoarsest whisper. "Mr. Osweiller... Everybody loves it." The scene cuts to the 2 brakemen walking away from the Night car, Till barely able to restrain a shit eating grin as she teases Osweiller that he has something about him that would inspire a girl, who hasn’t talked in three years, to make her first words "fuck you."

However they are soon interrupted by an alarm and the voice of the train over the radio, telling them to brace for impact, no drill. The train collides head on with a large ice-slide and the 2 brakemen are unable to hold onto anything. They are sent flying as the train rocks from side to side, righting itself. They get up after the train stabilizes, making sure they're alright.

Later, Layton is seen feeding the rats with Fergus' assistance of finding the correct rats. Jinju is seen checking up on the fish and the tank in the aquarium car after the collision with Melanie, where they have a meditation session with the fish afterwards. Minutes later, Jinju prepares some sushi for Melanie and they have a talk as the sun begins to dip. The shot cuts to the train winding it's way through the mountains on the late afternoon.


Known Cast


  • Some characters seem similar to other characters in the TV Series.
  • The pilot episode was much darker than the show, as there was cannibalism and the entire train was more like a cult. One of the supporting factors is the fact that the engineers are "monk-like in mien."[1]
  • The episode seems to lean more towards the movie than the current show does, as the train hits 2 massive walls of ice in the episode.[1]
  • The event of a breach in one of the cattle cars is very similar to the one in Season 1 Episode 2.[1]
  • Melanie was supposed to be blonde in the pilot.
  • In the pilot, Wilford Industries was known as "Wilford Industries & Transport" instead of just Wilford Industries.
  • Wilford isn't on-board Snowpiercer just like season 1 of the series, however his backstory in the pilot seems darker. According to Sayori, Wilford's father grandfather worked in a car factory, but lost their job when the factory shutdown. His father went on a search for a job but never returned and his mother lost her house, leading them to living in shelters, the streets and eventually railyards and empty trains. His mother had to sacrifice herself for Wilford to go to school.[1]
  • According to the script, the temperature outside in the pilot is -140 degrees, compared to the show's -110/120 average and the comic's -80.[1]
  • The Brakemen's uniforms were maroon colored instead of the blue in the TV Series.[2][3]
  • The Wilford Industries & Transport plaque was re-used to make the Wilford Industries website's welcome page despite being dated.[4]
  • Contrary to the finalized version in the TV Series, CW-7 after the missiles/rockets it's in blows up, it's a red cloud of chemicals instead of blue.
  • Snowpiercer's departure in the pilot seems much more secret compared to the TV Series, seemingly taking place in a forest under secret operation instead of a large railyard where the TV Series' luxury liner was known to depart on it's rail cruises.
  • In the script Kronole is written as Chronole.
  • Brakemen are "a loose lot who spend more time mediating drunks than solving real crime, beat cops in a nice neighborhood, a part of the train’s fairly swiss clockworks."
  • The Brakemen Garrison has a food vending machine.


Screenshots recovered from the episode[5]


Concept Art[5]

Behind The Scenes[5]

Audition Tapes
