A Single Trade is the fourth episode of the second season of Snowpiercer. It is the fourteenth episode of the series overall.
TNT's: As the Big Alice crew are granted shore leave on Snowpiercer, Layton and Wilford have differing options on the future.
Netflix's: Snowpiercer hosts Wilford for a fancy evening out as they await contact with Melanie. Wilford's visit puts Audrey on edge. Josie boards Big Alice.
“ | Every day, everyone of us makes a trade. A pencil for a pen, an apple for an orange, a dance for a smile. But these trades don’t always go the way you plan. You give more than you get, the term changes. You end up having to trade with yourself. I staked my future on a single trade, a life with him for a place on this train. It’s been 19 revolutions. No matter how far I traveled, I should have known Wilford would find me… on Snowpiercer, 1,034 cars long. | ” |
— Miss Audrey |
Layton eats breakfast with Zarah when a letter is hand delivered to him by Ruth directly from Wilford with the expressed intent of Layton’s eyes only. Layton opens the letter and, when asked by Ruth about the contents, tells her and Zarah that Wilford is willing to help their frostbite patients. Layton, however, is skeptical of Wilford’s true motives, and instead, writes back and places the letter in the envelope for Ruth to deliver.
Aboard Big Alice, Alex delivers the letter to the Engine. She reads the letter, which reads “What do you want?”, but Alex is already aware that it is Miss Audrey that Wilford has taken an interest in. When Alex confronts him about it, Wilford dangles the idea of a night out on Snowpiercer, specifically, in the Night Car.
Meanwhile, Till takes a trip to the Breacher’s car, where she finds a shrine to all those that have been lost throughout the uprising in the Tail. She immediately becomes saddened and emotional at the sight of the photographs and begins to cry before being interrupted by Pastor Logan.
In the Engine of Snowpiercer, Bennett and Javi prepare the uplink modules. Bennett remarks how Melanie has been out in the cold for three days, and is worried about her. Javi tries to reassure him that everything is fine given she has gotten the station up and running and is more than likely just waiting for the data to roll in.
Layton talks with Miss Audrey about the request made by Wilford for a night out in the Night Car. She is reluctant and explains about her times as a high-end escort prior to Snowpiercer and the time she spent as his personal escort, but remarks that she cannot go back there. Layton is understanding, but explains about the positives of her being close with Wilford, such as her being in his ear and being able to relay things back to Snowpeircer. Reluctantly, she agrees, but makes it clear that she is doing it for her, not for Snowpiercer.
Mr. Wilford is given the good news aboard Big Alice, and Alex suggests that he take some of the crew with him given Snowpiercer has asked for a guest list. Alex begins to mock Wilford about his excitement to see Miss Audrey, but Wilford quickly becomes angry and lashes out at Alex. Shortly after, Wilford picks three names out of a hat and invites them for the night out aboard Snowpiercer — Alex makes it clear that the three names are chosen specifically, and not at random as Wilford would have the train believe.
In the Night Car, Layton talks with Ruth, Miss Audrey and Roche about their plans for the night, making it clear that their mission is to show the people of Big Alice what freedom is like. Layton further warns them that Wilford will be looking for anyone that he can turn to his side, and Audrey suggests that this will more than likely be someone who is close to, or has worked with Wilford before. With this, Layton tells the team that they must be sure they can trust one another, with particular emphasis placed on Ruth.
Bess talks with Pastor Logan about the massive amounts of people dying on Snowpeircer and the amount of people remaining. The two have a detailed discussion and Bess becomes increasingly upset about the situation with no end in sight for the increasing amount of death.
Meanwhile, the Headwoods take a look at some of the victims of the cold aboard Snowpeircer, showing how their hydrogen gel can positively impact them and soothe pain immediately. Layton takes them to see Josie, and recommends that she be brought aboard Big Alice for total exclusion from everyone whilst she heals using their specialist methods. Layton asks for a moment to discuss with Josie, and the two are skeptical about the knowledge the Headwoods already possess about them given their names were not on the original manifest.
Lights and several other Tailies openly attack Bojan, believing him responsible for the deformation on her hand. Bojan is certain that he didn’t commit the crime, but this isn’t enough to stop Light’s attack and several Tailies begin attacking Bojan before this catches the attention of the other Breachmen and a fight breaks out between the group. This eventually gauges the attention of Till, Roche and Layton who put an end to the violence. Layton explicitly forbids fighting within the market, citing that he and Till will take care or the situation. Till becomes increasingly concerned about the effects Wilford coming aboard Snowpiercer later that day will have, especially on his supporters.
Josie talks with members of the Tail, telling them that whatever happens, the Tail must stand by Layton, not her. Mama Grande tells Josie that she has something for her and brings in Miles, but Josie is saddened by this, citing that she didn’t want him to see her like this. Nonetheless, Josie is enlightened when she finds out that Miles is engineering life systems and hopes to be one of the first to re-colonize Earth. With this, Josie remarks that she is ready to be taken aboard Big Alice. The Tail shows their support of Josie as she is wheeled through to the border and passed to the Headwoods.
As the night kicks off, Wilford and his crew are welcomed aboard Snowpiercer and into the Night Car. They watch a special message from Bennett and Javi in the Engine, in which they reveal that in 75 minutes, they will listen for the uplink between the balloon and Melanie, which will indicate that she is safe and well. Mr. Wilford jokes that he doesn’t think there will be an uplink, but everyone ignores him. Moments later, Wilford is taken aback when Miss Audrey enters the Night Car and begins singing. Afterwards, the two talk after so long of not seeing one another. Audrey invites Wilford to a private room in the back of the Night Car which he graciously agrees to.
Inside the Night Car, Wilford and Miss Audrey talk about how the freeze has changed them, and what they’ve lost during the process. Miss Audrey tells Wilford that she has changed the purpose of the Night Car in an attempt to rehabilitate passengers and overcome issues that they’re facing. Wilford tells her that he never loses, however, but grieved the loss of her for the seven years following Snowpiercer’s departure.
Layton tells Ruth to keep the passengers brought from Big Alice happy, but it seems as though they are already mingling with members of Snowpiercer. Emilia begins talking with Murray, and the two hit it off given they both were believed to be “The Last Australian”; Emilia almost falls for Murray’s attempt to squeeze information about the situation aboard Big Alice but is able to hold herself back. Instead, Murray hands her his lucky goggles and tells her that if she were to wear them on Big Alice someone would contact her.
Alex begins hanging out with LJ Folger and the two take a trip to the maintenance/observatory pod. There, the two watch the Aurora Borealis, whilst Alex is shown — and amazed by — an Encyclopedia Britannica. The two smoke marijuanna shortly after.
In the Night Car, however, things begin to heat up and Wilford and Audrey talk about their past. Audrey dwells on the fact that Wilford forced her to cut her wrists in a similar way to Kevin, but Wilford remarks that he saved her. With this, WIlford begins to pine over Audrey, citing that there has only ever been her and he wants her; Audrey is reluctant to listen, however, but indulges him for the sake of the train.
As the Engine gives the five-minute warning for the uplink of the weather balloon, all gather in the Night Car, with Wilford given a front-seat. Worries begin to rise when Melanie does not make contact with the balloon after it surpasses 35,000 feet. Bennett, Javi and the others become increasingly concerned about Melanie, but are relieved momentarily when Melanie makes contact.
- Leon Ababio as Oiler Bob
- Carmel Amit as Mira
- Camille Atebe as Cherry Sherry
- Demord Dann as Second Patient
- Miranda Edwards as Lights
- Tyler Gibson as Driscoll
- Mike Li as Damien Ho
- Jane McGregor as Astrid
- Emma Oliver as Winnie
- Kurt Ostlund as Strong Boy
- Kwasi Thomas as Z-Wreck
- Fiona Vroom as Ms. Gilles
- Miss Audrey: "So. He wants an evening out in his Night Car. You’ve been putting off this conversation, so I can only guess what it is you want me to do."
- Layton: "You meant a lot to him."
- Miss Audrey: "I spent years washing my hands clean of him."
- Layton: "I’d appreciate understanding it."
- Miss Audrey: "When I was 18, I was already a high-end escort. Private parties for the most powerful men and women in Chicago. They would go on for days, these party. And they were all on his train. You need to know, I was his… exclusively, for years. It paid in gold, but I lost everything. And now, you’re asking me to reopen Pandora’s box?"
- Layton: "If we had you in his ear to gain his trust, to steer him, we will help you, all of us. This is the cause now, Audrey."
- Miss Audrey: "I’ll do it, but not for any of you. Not for the science, or Melanie’s mission. This one is for me."
- ― Layton asks Miss Audrey to spy on Wilford.
- Bennett: "Good evening, everyone. Tonight, we’ll be launching the first weather balloon that will transmit data to our own Melanie Cavill."
- Javi: "Once the balloon reaches height, which is in about 75 minutes. Melanie will link to it, and we’ll hear a signal."
- Bennett: "That ping will indicate that Melanie is safe, and that our mission is underway. It looks like we’re in launch mode now, and Javi will do the honors."
- Javi: "Okay. We’re launching in three, two, one."
- ― Javi launches the first weather balloon, livestreaming to the Night Car.
“ | My friends, we are now crossing the Great Bering Strait Bridge between Alaska and Siberia. Until Mr. Wilford built this bridge, those two shores had not been connected since the last ice age. So, as we roll atop the frozen ocean, let us all raise a glass. To Mr. Wilford. | ” |
— Layton welcomes Wilford aboard Snowpiercer. |
- Bennett: "Hello again, from the cockpit of Snowpiercer. Please, take your own front seat to history. Our weather balloon is at..."
- Javi: "34,700 meters. Once it hits 35,000. Melanie should link to it and start collecting all of its weather data."
- Bennett: "The first step in her finding where we can start recolonization."
- Javi: "Here we go. We are at 34,800. 850… 35,000… 35,100… 150… 200… 250… [Balloon connects]"
- Bennett and Javi: "YES! YES! YES! [hugs each other.]"
- ― Melanie connected the first balloon, Javi and Bennett livestreaming to the Night Car.
- The title of the episode is a line in Miss Audrey's opening dialogue, which relates to Mr. Wilford's offer to frostbite treatments to 14 of Snowpiercer's citizen on a requirement that he get a night out at the Night Car.
- Pictures of the people who died in the revolution are hanging in the Tea Room.
- Snowpiercer and Big Alice pass through Alaska and later the Bering Strait Bridge connecting Alaska and Siberia.
- It's been three days since the events of A Great Odyssey.
- Layton's leadership council appears to be him, Miss Audrey, Roche, Bennett Knox and Ruth Wardell. However, Layton remains reluctant to trust Ruth.
- Till reveals that there are 2,746 people left on Snowpiercer.
- Bojan Boscovic insists that he had nothing to do with the attack on Lights.
- Miles is revealed to have been working on engineering life systems and he tells Josie that he wants to be one of the first people to recolonize the Earth.
- Zarah joins Hospitality and she and Layton are no longer together despite continuing their living arrangement.
- Wilford allows the Headwoods to treat Snowpiercer's frostbite patients, but Josie requires more dedicated care on Big Alice.
- The Last Australian learns that he is not in fact the only remaining Australian left as one of Alex's friends from Big Alice, Emilia, is also Australian.
- For her performance in the Night Car, Miss Audrey sings “Glory Box” from the 1994 album “Dummy” by Portishead.
- The song during the dance of Miss Audrey is "La Maison Jaune" by singer Klô Pelgag.
Body Count
- Mess chef (unknown causes, mentioned only)
Behind the Scenes
See also