Keep Hope Alive is the fifth episode of the second season of Snowpiercer. It is the fifteenth episode of the series overall.
TNT's: Layton and Miss Audrey make a risky play for Big Alice, but Wilford has his own plans.
Netflix's: Wilford invites Audrey to be his guest on Big Alice while plotting his next move, Layton faces a harsh dilemma. Josie tries to pass intel to Snowpiercer.
“ | It's easy to fight when you’ve never been hurt before. Until it happens, you’re invincible. But with every fight, there’s a risk. And sometimes, you’re sidelined. The road to recovery is long. Endless, when it’s not clear if you can recover. Some days I lose sight of who I am, but I can’t forget what my mission is. I have to keep the hope alive, that I can still make a difference. If not, then what was coming back from the dead for? I count the days and pray to be whole again, back with my people on Snowpiercer, 1,034 cars long. | ” |
— Josie Wellstead |
As Josie begins her treatment aboard Big Alice under the guise of the Headwoods, she begins slowly improving whilst seeking to find out more about Mr. Wilford's plans for Snowpiercer. Josie takes the opportunity to explore around the Headwoods' laboratory and finds that they are prepping Icy Bob, a sign that they are mobilising their plan. Josie sends a message to Layton via a vial placed within a laundry bin, to which alerts Layton to Wilford's actions.
Meanwhile, Wilford calls all of his immediate team to the Engine whilst they discuss a recent book they've been reading; the book is controversial and the salon begins to argue about the motivations of the characters, but Wilford is pulled away by Sykes who tells him that their contact up-train lit a lantern, signalling that their plan is a go. Alex tries to listen to the conversation, but is able to witness Wilford passing Sykes an invitation to deliver to Miss Audrey.
In the Engine of Snowpiercer, Miss Audrey shows the letter to Bennett, Javi, Layton and Ruth. It is an invitation for dinner as the trains pass Tibet, the forgotten city. Miss Audrey tells the Engine that she will accept, but there are fears that Wilford will hold Audrey hostage — she confirms that Wilford would never hold her against her will. Bennett shows Miss Audrey a fault in Big Alice's communication box which will allow Snowpiercer to hear everything being said through Big Alice's communication line without them knowing; Audrey agrees to make use of the fault.
In the Headwoods' laboratory, Josie's treatment continues and the Headwoods take grafts from Josie's skin. Both are pleased with their work, citing that it has been a long time since they have seen a victim with such severe burns. Moments later, however, the Headwoods are called out of the room by Sykes, who tells them that the plan is happening later that night. Josie begins having a panic attack but is calmed by Icy Bob, who tells her that the Headwoods are not the kind of people she wants to mess with. As the Headwoods enter the room, they tell her that to continue her treatment they will have to administer a general anaesthetic.
In Layton's chambers, he talks with Ruth, Javi, Bennett, Roche and Till about Wilford's plan. They talk about Melanie's contact with the weather balloons and when they can announce this to the train. Layton moves the conversation forward and asks about the weaknesses of the train and how these can be secured to prevent an attack from Wilford. As the team are excused, Roche and Till remain behind as a request from Layton. Layton tells the two that Josie is passing them information over the border, hence why trade must continue despite the fears that they face. Till tells Layton that they should be worried about the situation arising between the Tailies and the Breachmen, but Layton doesn't seem interested.
Further down the train in Third, Pike continues his efforts to trade drugs and other paraphernalia from Big Alice. He is attacked moments later by Osweiller and LJ, however, and brought to Terence where he is told that he must cease trading or face the consequences. Pike becomes angry at the threat and tells Layton that his trading efforts are keeping the Tail going, and that he must be able to trade freely without the fear of Terence looming; Layton promises to take care of the issue.
In the Engine room of Big Alice, Alex talks with Wilford about his plans for Snowpiercer and his night with Miss Audrey. She is worried that he has began hiding things from her and is going soft on her; he tells her that everything will be revealed soon, but the night is Audreys.
Layton tries to talk with Terence about the importance of the trade route in the Tail, and offers to split the profits with him 60/40. Terence is reluctant to oblige, however, despite Layton's threats that he will arrest him for his actions. Terence becomes defensive immediately and begins threatening Layton's secret about the mole — Josie — that is feeding Snowpiercer information from Big Alice.
Audrey arrives in the Engine of Big Alice and immediately begins talking with Alex about the situation between her and Wilford. She reveals that the majority of the songs she wrote and performed were about Wilford as the rumours suggest, but the two are interrupted before they can speak more when Wilford enters the Engine.
As the train moves on, Bennett and Javi reveal to the rest of the close team that Melanie has missed her uplink despite the balloon rising above 36,000 ft., and that they must assume that Melanie is lost, but that they have enough data to model the climate. There is a solemn mood in the room as those closest to Melanie reflect on the possibility of her demise, but Layton tells the team that they must be strong and avoid leaking this information to Wilford to use against them.
Guest Starring |
- Camille Atebe as Cherry Sherry
- Ian Collins as Tristan
- Tyler Gibson as Driscoll
- Yee Jee Tso as York Lam
- Mike Li as Damien Ho
- Adrian Neblett as Winston
- Emma Oliver as Winnie
- Andre Tricoteux as Icy Bob
- Fiona Vroom as Miss Gillies
- Layton: "We’re asking an awful lot of you. You good with this?"
- Miss Audrey: "I understand. We need to protect ourselves."
- Layton: "Only if you can protect yourself."
- Javi: "How do you know he won’t lock the door, keep you there?"
- Miss Audrey: "Joseph wouldn’t hold me against my will. It’s not his way. And we need this, and I can do it. At least find out what’s going on over there."
- Bennett: "This is the comms panel.
Javi It’s only got one screw."
- Bennett: "On Big Alice, it’s a red box attached to a wall in his back engine. There was a flaw in the prototype, fixed in ours. You switch these two wires; we can hear everything he says. He won’t be able to tell if his comms are turned on or off."
- ― Layton, Miss Audrey, Bennett and Javi discussing a sneaky plan through the opportunity.
- Bennett: "Our launch data checks out, and our instruments are live. But Melanie hasn’t made contact."
- Ruth: "Well, that could be anything, couldn’t it?"
- Javi: "The problem appears to be on her end."
- Bennett: "We have to consider that something happened to her, and that we might not hear from her again. We’ve launched 11 probes so far. So with a little luck, that’s enough to build a climate model. But Melanie..."
- Ruth: "I know that she’s okay. I can feel her out there every day."
- Javi: "Well, we turn around for her tomorrow. SO we need to launch our last prove at schedule."
- Layton: "Wilford can’t get wind of this."
- Bennett: "Agree."
- Layton: "We need to keep him on mission, going back to get Melanie."
- Ruth: "And what should we tell the passengers? They’re expecting an announcement."
- ― Bennett, Javi, Layton, Roche, Zarah and Ruth discovered Melanie's missing.
- Zarah: "You all right"
- Ruth: "I have Melanie on my mind. Do you know walking you through Hospitality, it has me rememering all sorts of things."
- Zarah: "Do you need a moment?"
- Ruth: "No. Walk with me, as I compose this announcement of false hope for the passengers in my head… You know, I’m not naive, Zarah. Never was, never will be. I know that people in power lie. Even I’ve done things in teal that I’m ashamed of."
- Zarah: "Well, a white lie to lift the passengers’ spirits won’t be one of them. You’re a leader on this train, Ruth. Your choices make a difference."
- ― Ruth teaching Zarah about Hospitality's work.
- Alex: "About time. This approach to the Forbidden City is looking pretty hairy."
- Miss Audrey: "Looking forward to seeing it."
- Alex: "Wilford’s not here."
- Miss Audrey: "I’m glad. We have a moment, just us women."
- Alex: "You wanted to speak to me?"
- Miss Audrey: "Yes. Your mother and I are friends."
- Alex: "Well, her and Joseph are enemies, so what would that make you?"
- Miss Audrey: "Neutral, darling."
- ― Miss Audrey meets Alex in Big Alice's Engine.
“ | What Joseph and I have is complicated, to say the least. But I wouldn’t be here if my connection to him wasn’t deeper than anything I’ve felt with anyone else. | ” |
— Miss Audrey talking about Mr. Wilford. |
“ | Good evening, Snowpiercer. Earlier today, high above us, another of our weather balloons made contact with Engineer Cavill, out there on her own, a lone spark lighting the way forward. On this train, none of us are strangers to despair, so we should celebrate these victories when they come. We must hold fast to our mission, our vision and ourselves. So… as we prepare to turn around and return to her, let us all say a prayer for Engineer Cavill, and our dreams of a life one day… beyond Snowpiercer. | ” |
— Ruth lying through the P.A. system. |
- The title of the episode is a line in Josie Wellstead's opening dialogue about how she have to keep her hope to be better alive. Layton's team also have to make hope on Melanie's mission alive aswell.
- Josie has set up a method of communication with the help of Emilia and Pike's illicit trade network.
- 11 weather balloons have been launched but Melanie has lost contact.
- It has been two weeks since the attack on Lights.
- It's revealed that Pike was one of the cannibals, but was saved from being killed for it by Layton.
- LJ is now sometimes referred to as "Lilah Folger" in her own right, a name which previously primarily referred to her late mother.
- The Miss Audrey song "L'autre de toi" that Wilford is listening is a cover from Evelyne Brochu : Copie Carbone.
- The song we hear in the background during the book club scene is Meant for This (French version) by Lena Hall.
Body Count
- Terence (stabbed several times and head flooded with sealant by Pike)
- 8 Breachmen
- Cherry Sherry (stabbed several times)
- Male Breachmen (strangled)
- Female Breachmen (head bashed in)
- Male Breachmen (stabbed)
- Male Breachmen (stabbed in throat)
- Male Breachmen (head bashed in)
- Male Breachmen (stabbed)
- Female Breachmen (unknown, likely stabbed)
Behind the Scenes
See also