Hospitality Car

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Revision as of 11:09, 15 April 2023 by >Thossadharm

Attention all passengers. Wilford Industries wishes you a good morning. The temperature outside is minus-119.6 degrees Celsius. As we enter the Yukon Territory of the former Canada, we remind you, for your personal safety be prepared to brace. We are 6 years, 9 months, and 26 days from departure. At the tone, the exact time will be 0800 hours.
— Melanie Cavill, Head of Hospitality


The Hospitality Car is where members of Hospitality Department can perform their administrative duties while caring for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd class. There are at least two distinctive rooms in this car, which are mostly identical, except for the arrangements; one of them being the radio room from which the head of hospitality or the deputy can make announcements to the passengers.


The radio room features a large clock, along with a public address system which allows announcements to be made to the whole train. There is a pneumatic tube system which allows messages to be sent back and forth between The Engine. Below the window, an ice tube can be connected to a pipe, for when the room is used by officers for interrogations. The radio room features a panic button underneath the desk; this informs the Engineers to lock down the engine room in the event of an emergency. There’s also a drawer with controls for fireworks, used for New Year’s Eve celebrations.


The interior consists of a modern 1920s style, mostly of wooden wall paneling with rose gold metal trims. A huge map of the world adorns one of the walls, outlining the track route Snowpiercer travels on. Another wall features a Wilford Industries Global Express advertisement poster.

Throughout the Series

Season 1

  • Melanie Cavill, as head of hospitality, made daily announcements in the morning. She also joined Ruth in the evening in the room to announce that the track condition will be worse in the next 24 hours and remind passengers to prepare and brace.[1]
  • Melanie edited Joseph Wilford's old speeches and announces the opening of the Fight Night.[2]
  • Melanie came to the car and announced that the investigation for the murder case is successfully done.[3]
  • Melanie, Ruth, Tristan and The Notary randomly select one juror for each class to make the jury panel for LJ's trial, later Edith Gusterfeld, Miss Gillies and Walter Flemming arrived in the car and rested there while waiting for the tribunal.[4]
  • Before the trial begun, Martin Colvin privately meet with Melanie to tell her that some first class passengers and Commander Grey is discussing whether Wilford is suitable to run the train's politics and the usual stuffs.[4]
  • After LJ's testimony, Melanie privately discussed her next move with Jinju in the hospitality car.[4]
  • After the trial, Melanie privately talked to LJ and ask her to keep secret about the Drawers in the hospitality car.[4]


Appearance EP1 EP2 EP3 EP4 EP5 EP6 EP7 EP8 EP9 EP10
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
✔ = Appeared Did Not Appear F = Flashback
Note: Appearances for the interior of the car only.


  • The Public address system was connected to Big Alice's at some point, presumably after Wilford took control.
  • When a baby is about to be born, baby bells are rung on the public address system, on the hour, every hour, until born. As well as updates on how many hours have passed. A Klezmer band and confetti were once used.

