Born to Bleed

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Revision as of 04:50, 1 March 2022 by >WarGrowlmon18 (→‎Quotes)

Born to Bleed will be the sixth episode of the third season of Snowpiercer. It will be the twenty-sixth episode of the series overall. The episode is expected on TNT February 28, 2022 and then internationally on Netflix the next day.


As the bomber is revealed, Layton comes to terms with his past decisions before making an irreversible call.






Guest Starring




Pike, if you're listening, brother, I need you to hear me. This has gone on long enough. We owe it to our friends to make this right. Come and look me in the eye and say your peace, and let's be done with this. (...) I'm calling on you to settle this with honor, Pike. The Tailie way. Old Ivan's way. We'll finish this where we started. I'll be waiting.
— Layton challenges Pike to an old Tailie ritual in order to settle their differences.
Josie: "We were scattered escaping this place, but it's just us here again now. And Tailies know the dark lessons of Snowpiercer better than anyone. We gather like this not out of bloodlust, but to bottle this violent dispute and bind our brothers in an outcome that we all accept. You two will sit together until you reconcile and agree on terms, be it a handshake, punishment, or compensation. If you do not agree--."
Pike: "We call for the knives. Everyone knows."
Josie: "Two must call. Both choose peace, or both choose blood. Do you abide?"
Pike: "Can we just get on with it?"
Layton: "I will."
―  Josie, Pike and Layton begin the ritual
I hope you find it frozen.
— Pike's last words to Layton.


  • Strong Boy appears in the form of a nightmare that Pike has.
  • The sword that Layton shows Pike appears to be the same one that he used in Into the White to kill a Jackboot.
  • Miles appears for the first time since A Single Trade. It's revealed that he has continued his apprenticeship and is at the top of his class.
  • Wilford is shown to have been traumatized by his experiences under the suspension drug, turning him into a shell of what he once was. He now believes that the science supports the Horn of Africa as a possible location for recolonization and no longer shows any desire for power.

Body Count




Behind the Scenes


See also
