Bennett Knox

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You have the train, Mr. Wilford.
— Bennett in First, the Weather Changed

Bennett Knox is a main character on TNT's Snowpiercer. He is portrayed by Iddo Goldberg.

As one of the original engineers who helped design the train, he is one of the few passengers who knows the deepest secrets of Snowpiercer.



Throughout The Series

Melanie's leadership

Bennett is a reserved member of Snowpiercer's management and follows Melanie Cavill's orders closely. Despite his devoted loyalty, he did not outright explain that he felt uneasy about pushing ahead at full speed despite Javi's warnings that the mountains around were not safe. When the mountain collapses, he investigates the damage done to one of the Ag-Sec carts with Melanie, and she vows him to secrecy; on the inside, however, he is conflicted and believes she is starving the train from the Tail to First.[1]

Bennett later takes part in repairing the brakes when a short-circuit threatens to derail the train. After a harrowing mission, Bennett gleefully demonstrates to the passengers in the Chains that Snowpiercer survived and is continuing on.


When the train learns that Wilford is dead, Bennett remains loyal to Melanie despite Javi betraying the Engine. Bennett is enraged to learn that young Engineer Apprentice Miles helped to cause the revolution by revealing the truth to LJ Folger and goes so far as to threaten the young boy. However, Bennett quickly softens towards Miles again and answers his questions, explaining that while the Engine Eternal's fuel is in fact Eternal, the parts are not and are wearing out.

After Melanie escapes with the help of Javi and Jinju Seong, she contacts Bennett with a plan to defeat the Folgers army of Jackboots by disconnecting part of the train at a switch track. Working with Miles, Bennett coordinates the disconnection, driving the train while giving Miles instructions. On Bennett's signal, once Melanie and Layton have disabled two safety switches, Miles disconnects seven cars and Bennett sends them off on a different track, killing 147 people and ending the revolution. Bennett then has Miles take over driving the train while he reconnects the cars and the two embrace in victory.

Wilford's return

Despite his loyalty to Melanie, he is conflicted once again when Snowpiercer receives an interesting signal from an unknown source. Bennett checks out the satellite feed and instantly notices something amiss, bringing them offline in an effort to hide what he has found from Melanie and Javi. It is later revealed that the signal is Big Alice, and when Melanie questions Bennett about lying, he remarks that he believes it is time to give up and welcome Wilford again due to the much-needed supplies onboard Big Alice.[2]

When Snowpiercer falls under the leadership of Andre Layton and the other members of the Tail, Bennett remains loyal to Melanie and her quest to detach Big Alice and Snowpiercer. Remaining in the Engine, Bennett walks Melanie through the process of blowing the uplink between the two trains and placing a sticky charge on the mechanism.

When Melanie's suit fails, Bennett pleads with her not to give up and to board one of the trains or face being left behind to die in the wilderness; eventually, she boards Big Alice, much to Bennett's relief.[3]



Melanie Cavill

Melanie and Bennett are shown to have developed a romantic relationship and she trusts Bennett implicitly to carry out tasks for her. However, Bennett later betrays Melanie when Big Alice arrives. After Melanie reboards the train and they are reunited, the two share a hug.

Javier De La Torre

Bennett and Javi are shown to be good friends, although they don't often agree. At one point, Javi bitterly notes that he has no choice but to follow Melanie's orders as he isn't sleeping with her like Bennett. Although Javi betrays them when the Folgers take over, the two men are shown working together afterwards with no animosity, possibly because Javi saved Melanie's life during the revolution.


At first, Bennett appears to have a good working relationship with Miles, the young Tailie fast-tracked as an Engineer Apprentice. However, after learning that Miles helped spark the revolution by informing LJ Folger of the truth, Bennett goes so far as to threaten Miles in his anger, although he doesn't seem to entirely blame Miles for his actions. When Miles tells Bennett that he helped free the Tail, Bennett states that Miles isn't a soldier but a tragic child.

As they are trapped together in the Engine, Bennett's attitude towards Miles quickly softens and he begins answering Miles' questions, including explaining why the Tail is kept so cold and dark. When Melanie contacts them with a plan, Miles and Bennett work seamlessly together to drive the train and disconnect seven cars to kill the enemy army. After they succeed, Bennett and Miles hug and Bennett congratulates Miles, addressing him as Engineer.

Joseph Wilford

Not much is known about Bennett's relationship with the real Mr. Wilford aside from him thinking that they need to surrender due to the dire state of the train. Notably, Mr. Wilford actually remembers Bennett while talking with Melanie, calling him Ben and appearing to be aware of Melanie's relationship with and favoritism towards Bennett.

When Melanie tried to take Bennett with her aboard Big Alice, Wilford refused, calling it "a Ben-free zone." Bennett later tells Andre Layton that due to Wilford's need for control, he had always tried to keep Bennett and Melanie apart while they were in Wilford's engineering program, but they had refused to allow him to win which is at least part of the reason that Wilford doesn't want Bennett on his train. Bennett is concerned enough about Wilford's plans that he forms an alliance with Layton to keep the train safe together in Melanie's absence.


Season One
Season Two

Memorable Quotes

Snowpiercer is coming apart. You know that, Mel. There is no perpetual motion because there are no perpetual parts.
Bennett to Melanie
You have the train, Mr. Wilford.
Bennett to Mr. Wilford


