The Original Sinners: Difference between revisions

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{{Quote|Now we'll see who's the real survivor.|Wilford goes into suspension}}
{{Quote|Now we'll see who's the real survivor.|Wilford goes into suspension}}
{{Dialogue|Melanie|It's a good way forward.|Layton|The one's we love, that'll be the cost.|attr=Melanie and Layton prepare to move forward}}
{{Dialogue|Melanie|It's a good way forward.|Layton|The one's we love, that'll be the cost.|attr=Melanie and Layton prepare to move forward}}
{{Dialogue|Layton|Citizens of ''Snowpiercer'', as the fork to New Eden approaches, I am proud to say that we have found a way through our impasse. We agree the only course is compromise, and the answer is individual choice.|Melanie|The train will be divided at Ag-Sec. Every passenger will be allowed to choose between the train with me and New Eden with Andre Layton.|Layton|Those who choose New Eden need to understand we don't know what we'll find there. The journey will be dangerous. And, yes, it will require a leap of faith. But more importantly, desire to build a new society.|Melanie|Those of you who remain, we know that life will continue to be hard on ''Snowpiercer''. Bit by bit, the train is breaking down. But we will no longer add to that hardship with oppression. The train will run on science and truth. And we will share the burden of our limited resources together.|Layton|Thank you. Whatever your choice, find hope and respect, in your neighbor's fate. Talk to your families. Say goodbye to your friends. The train will separate in just under six hours.|attr=Layton and Melanie lay out the new plan together}}
{{Dialogue|Layton|Citizens of ''Snowpiercer'', as the fork to New Eden approaches, I am proud to say that we have found a way through our impasse. We agree the only course is compromise, and the answer is individual choice.|Melanie|The train will be divided at Ag-Sec. Every passenger will be allowed to choose between the train with me and New Eden with Andre Layton.|Layton|Those who choose New Eden need to understand we don't know what we'll find there. The journey will be dangerous. And, yes, it will require a leap of faith. But more importantly, desire to build a new society.|Melanie|Those of you who remain, we know that life will continue to be hard on ''Snowpiercer''. Bit by bit, the train is breaking down. But we will no longer add to that hardship with oppression. The train will run on science and truth. And we will share the burden of our limited resources together.|Layton|Thank you. Whatever your choice, find hope and respect in your neighbor's fate. Talk to your families. Say goodbye to your friends. The train will separate in just under six hours.|attr=Layton and Melanie lay out the new plan together}}
{{Quote|Welcome to the new world.|Zarah to Liana after arriving at New Eden}}
{{Quote|Welcome to the new world.|Zarah to Liana after arriving at New Eden}}

Revision as of 03:49, 29 March 2022

The Original Sinners is the tenth and final episode of the third season of Snowpiercer. It is the thirtieth episode of the series overall. The episode aired on TNT March 28, 2022 and then streamed internationally on Netflix the next day.


It all comes to a head as old adversaries clash, with New Eden hanging in the balance.






Guest Starring



Y'all trying to face down an army with a garden hose?
— Z-Wreck to the Ag-Sec workers
Now, you old bastard, I reach down and send you into hell.
— Bennett casts Wilford out of the train on the track scaler
Now we'll see who's the real survivor.
— Wilford goes into suspension
Melanie: "It's a good way forward."
Layton: "The one's we love, that'll be the cost."
―  Melanie and Layton prepare to move forward
Layton: "Citizens of Snowpiercer, as the fork to New Eden approaches, I am proud to say that we have found a way through our impasse. We agree the only course is compromise, and the answer is individual choice."
Melanie: "The train will be divided at Ag-Sec. Every passenger will be allowed to choose between the train with me and New Eden with Andre Layton."
Layton: "Those who choose New Eden need to understand we don't know what we'll find there. The journey will be dangerous. And, yes, it will require a leap of faith. But more importantly, desire to build a new society."
Melanie: "Those of you who remain, we know that life will continue to be hard on Snowpiercer. Bit by bit, the train is breaking down. But we will no longer add to that hardship with oppression. The train will run on science and truth. And we will share the burden of our limited resources together."
Layton: "Thank you. Whatever your choice, find hope and respect in your neighbor's fate. Talk to your families. Say goodbye to your friends. The train will separate in just under six hours."
―  Layton and Melanie lay out the new plan together
Welcome to the new world.
— Zarah to Liana after arriving at New Eden


  • The train spilts in half at Ag Sec; the front continues to travel around the globe, while the back make the turn to the Horn of Africa in the hope to find New Eden.
  • Big Alice's Engine is seen being manned for the first time since The First Blow, this time by Bennett Knox under Layton's command.
  • Bojan Boscovic is revealed to still be alive, having been rescued from the Aquarium explosion, visibly more scarred and nursed back to health in secret by Mrs. Headwood as Wilford's new cold man. She also made the side effect of loss of sensation into impervious to pain.
  • The Tailies side with Layton along with the crew of the Pirate train, Ruth Wardell and John Osweiller while the Brakemen initially work to maintain peace as a neutral faction.
  • Wilford is exiled from the train on Melanie's Track scaler with a supply of the suspension drug and stimulants, just like Melanie had during her six months in the vehicle before her rescue.
  • When the trains separate, Sam Roche, his daughter Carly, Oz, Alex, Ruth, Javi, Mrs. Headwood, Boki, Sykes and the Tailies join Big Alice while Miss Audrey stays with Snowpiercer as does Miles, Bennett, Tristan, Miss Gillies and Doctor Pelton. After initially deciding to stay on Big Alice, Bess Till changes her mind and remains on Snowpiercer with Audrey.
  • Bennett suggests that Snowpiercer only has another decade or two at most if Melanie is lucky with all of the hardships that the train will face.
  • Miles is seen working in the Engine for the first time since The Train Demanded Blood.
  • The song playing in the background as LJ dies is Brian Hyland's "Sealed With a Kiss," the same song that she danced to in "Without Their Maker" as Layton realized that LJ was the serial killer.
  • Big Alice derails upon arriving to New Eden due to the track to the Horn of Africa being as bad as expected. The passengers make it out unharmed and discover New Eden to be habitable.
  • Three months after Big Alice arrives at New Eden, Melanie spots something shooting into the sky and exploding.

Body Count




Behind the Scenes


See also
