Wilfrid Headwood

From Snowpiercer Wiki

This article is about Wilfrid Headwood from Snowpiercer 3: Terminus. You may be looking for Mr. Headwood from Snowpiercer (TV Series).

Wilfrid Headwood is one of the main antagonists from Snowpiercer 3: Terminus, and takes the role of one of the Switchmen, alongside his wife, Nora Headwood.

As one of the switchmen, he and his wife were responsible for managing Future Land, where they would lure the Snowpiercer trains in via music. The Headwoods were also responsible for handling any pregnancies, where they would try to experiment on newborn children to try and undo the effects of radiation poisoning caused by the nuclear reactor at Future Land.

Wilfrid also appears to be missing his left eye, which he keeps covered up with an eyepatch, underneath this however is a mechanic implant, which allows him to view Future Land's security footage remotely. It is unknown how or when this implant was added.

History[edit | edit source]

Personality[edit | edit source]

Relationships[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Despite the similar names, he has no connection to Wilford, who died in a train crash a year prior to Terminus.

Gallery[edit | edit source]