In Snowpiercer 3: Terminus, it was revealed that there are a total of 10 Snowpiercer trains, these trains tend to vary quite a bit, however the one thing shared between them all is the use of a Perpetual Propulsion Engine.
Most of the trains seem unaware that the other Snowpiercers exist, however there is at least one exception.
The tech used in the Snowpiercers was originally developed by Zheng Industries, however it appears the tech was later used by other companies who built their own Snowpiercers, such as Wilford Industries.
Known Snowpiercers[edit | edit source]
Out of the 10 Snowpiercers, there are currently 5 that have been shown in some capacity.
It was revealed that 7 of the trains managed to reach Future Land at some point, while 3 of them presumably crashed.

Olga (1st Snowpiercer)[edit | edit source]
Olga was originally developed by Zheng Industries, and was the first of the trains to be built. The train was originally used as a luxury train prior to the freeze, where it would run on a custom track for 20 days at a time, however it was later retrofitted with a Perpetual Propulsion Engine in order to server as an ark for humanity, as Mr Zheng had predicted the freeze beforehand.
The train contains 1,001 cars, and appears to be around the size of a regular train.
The population of the train eventually died of disease, turning it into a runaway train. The engine was later salvaged by the Icebreaker and used as a generator.

Icebreaker (2nd Snowpiercer)[edit | edit source]
The Icebreaker was the second of the trains to be built. It is unknown what the Icebreaker was originally built for, nor is it known who built the train, however the population seems to be aware that other Snowpiercers exist.
The train contains ~140-150 cars, and is much larger than Olga. There is also a secondary engine located at the rear of the train.
The engine was eventually destroyed after crashing through a wall of ice, which lead the population to Future Land.

Film Snowpiercer[edit | edit source]
Unlike the other Snowpiercers, this one doesn't appear to have a name. This train was developed by Wilford Industries, and appears to use a custom built track that goes around the entire planet.
The train contains 60 cars, appears to be around the size of a regular train, and is 1.5Km in length.
The train was eventually hit by an avalanche and derailed, killing all but 2 passengers, who later made their way to Future Land.

Camp Train[edit | edit source]
The Camp Train was used by the citizens of the Icebreaker after the engine was damaged, it is unknown who developed the engine, or what it was built for.
The train contains 10 cars leftover from the Icebreaker, and appears to be a similar size. It is unknown how long the train was before being reused.
Near the end of Terminus, the head-engineer from the Icebreaker took the engine from this train, and used it to take everyone away from Future Land, where they would use the train as a camp site for the years to come.

Unknown Snowpiercer[edit | edit source]
Not much is known about this train, as it was only shown briefly.
It appears that the train made it to Future Land without many issues, as it seems to be intact.
Pages in category "Graphic Novel Trains"
The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total.