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Miles "Miles and Miles" is one of the main characters on TNT's Snowpiercer. He is portrayed by Jaylin Fletcher.

He is one of the few children in the tail end of the train. Whip smart and talented, he has the intelligence to potentially move up the train if he can get a coveted apprenticeship.

History[edit | edit source]

When Snowpiercer was departuring, he was put onto Snowpiercer alongside his family. His mother hid him so that he could live. After the Tail formed, Josie Wellstead and the rest of the Tail raised him after Miles' family was slaughtered during the boarding.

Throughout The Series[edit | edit source]

Season 1[edit | edit source]

in First, the Weather Changed, Miles helped Layton breed the rat colony for the Tail to eat, he also mentioned that he learn trigonometry from Old Ivan today. He is nowhere to be seen in the insurrection day, probably hiding to be safe as he's the brain of the Tail.

In Prepare to Brace, Miles is selected for the apprenticeship he was always looking for.

In Access Is Power, Andre Layton finds a bag of Miles' hair at the front of the train and becomes angry until Melanie Cavill simply explains that they gave Miles a haircut when he got his apprenticeship. Layton is allowed to see Miles and becomes emotional at how well the young boy is doing and the new life he is enjoying. Miles promises Layton that he's keeping an eye out and Layton later tells Josie about how well Miles is doing.

In Trouble Comes Sideways, Miles is in class when Melanie visits to get Boki's help in fixing the train. Melanie checks in on some equations she gave to Miles to complete which he states he prefers working on alone. After checking them, Melanie jokes that maybe Miles should be teaching her instead before leaving. Melanie later calls Miles into her office and gives him a caliper Mr. Wilford had given her, something that every engineer needs. Melanie tells Miles that there is something that Mr. Wilford needs from him.

In The Universe Is Indifferent, Miles is announced to be a new Engineer by Melanie Cavill during morning announcements replacing the man who died fixing the train the day before. He was later poisoned with a tangerine by Josie Wellstead for him to be updated on the rebellion and Miles promises to do his part when the time comes. After Josie's presumed death, he was taken by Melanie to the Engine Room, apparently unaware that Josie was dead. Melanie assured him and herself that what they did as Engineers was for the greater good of the survival of the human race.

In These Are His Revolutions, at Layton's request, Miles signals LJ Folger by flashing the lights in the Folgers' quarters. Aware of the truth about Melanie, Miles shows LJ the engine and Melanie's quarters, revealing to a gleeful LJ that Melanie is pretending to be Wilford. Melanie later coaches Miles in driving the train as they approach Chicago where Snowpiercer's journey began. Miles notes that the train is going slower than the previous revolution and Melanie explains that its their duty to keep it going. Miles and Melanie discuss their lost families and Miles comments that he at least has his Tail mom Josie, unaware that she's dead. When First turns on Melanie and demands entry to the engine, Bennett locks himself and Miles in while Javi abandons them for Commander Grey and his men.

In The Train Demanded Blood, Bennett finds security footage of Miles letting LJ into the Engine and Melanie's quarters and angrily tells him off, threatening the boy and refusing to speak to him. Miles defends his actions, stating that he freed the Tail, but Bennett tells Miles that he's not a soldier, but just a tragic child. Bennett eventually softens to Miles again and explains the difficulties in keeping Snowpiercer going, resulting in the cold and cramped conditions in the Tail. After Melanie makes contact with a plan to defeat the Folgers and Grey by detaching some of the cars, Bennett enlists Miles' help to man the controls with the having to flip switches simultaneously to disconnect the cars as part of the plan while Bennett drives the train. When Layton takes a long time flipping a safety switch, Miles realizes that something must be wrong. After Layton flips the switch in time, Bennett and Miles detach seven cars, sending the Folgers, aside from LJ, Grey, and the Jackboot army to their deaths along with imprisoned revolutionaries. Miles takes over driving the train as they prepare to recouple with the other cars and Bennett congratulates Miles for his work, addressing him as a fellow Engineer.

In 994 Cars Long, Miles is reunited with Layton in the aftermath of the revolution. Layton informs Miles of their losses and he tearfully realizes that Josie is dead. Layton comforts his young friend over their shared loss and reassures Miles that Josie would be proud of everything that he did.

Season 2[edit | edit source]

In A Great Odyssey, it's mentioned that Josie, discovered by Zarah to still be alive, refuses to let Miles see her in her terrible condition.

In A Single Trade, Miles comes to visit Josie against her wishes. Miles calls Josie "Mom" and tells Josie that she's his hero. The Last Australian tells Josie that Miles has been engineering life systems and Miles explains that he wants to be one of the first colonists back outside. Josie tells her adopted son to hold onto that hope before allowing the others to take her to Big Alice for treatment. As Josie is taken away to the other train, Miles watches while Murray puts his hands on Miles' shoulders in comfort.

Season 3[edit | edit source]

In Born to Bleed, Miles has lunch with Josie. The two discuss the assassination attempt on Layton and Miles' continuing apprenticeship. Josie is proud that Miles is the top of his class while Miles wonders if they are still even Tailies anymore. Miles later attends the meeting where Layton calls upon the Tailies for help in finding Pike. Miles then approaches Josie and speaks with her about something.

Miles and Josie visit Layton in Big Alice's Engine where Josie suggests that Layton gets to Pike using Old Ivan's way. Miles explains to Ruth Wardell that it was how the Tail had settled disagreements when they got bad: the two people sat together eye to eye and they weren't allowed to leave until it was resolved. When they came to terms, the entire Tail would hold them to it. Zarah adds that if the two feuding parties can't to terms, they fight to the death. Although Bess Till hates the idea, Miles and Josie continue to advocate for it, explaining that if Layton refuses to fight, Pike will have no other choice but to keep talking.

Miles, armed with a spear, subsequently takes part in the Tailie ritual, helping to set up the chairs for the sit down between Layton and Pike. As everyone bangs their weapons on the ground, Miles sits on a bunk with Winnie banging his. When it escalates into a fight to the death, Zarah has Miles take Liana while she tries and fails to stop the fight. Following Pike's death, Miles and the rest of the Tailies pay their respects to their fallen friend. Before he leaves, Miles shares a hug with Layton.

In The Original Sinners, Miles decides to remain with Snowpiercer when the trains separate so that he can continue learning to be an Engineer from Melanie and Bennett. Layton and Josie support his decision, although they are saddened by it. Miles later stands with Melanie and Miss Audrey when everyone says goodbye and Melanie notes that she and Layton are taking care of each other's loved ones, Melanie's daughter Alex having chosen to join Layton.

After the separation, Miles joins Melanie and Bennett in working as one of the Engineers manning the Engine. Miles notes that the energy distribution's improved which Melanie explains is from the loss of weight with the departure of Big Alice.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Miles is extremely smart.

Relationships[edit | edit source]

Josie Wellstead[edit | edit source]

Josie Wellstead is Miles' foster mother. She has raised him alongside the rest of the Tail.

Andre Layton[edit | edit source]

Andre Layton is the foster father of Miles.

Bennett Knox[edit | edit source]

At first, Bennett appears to have a good working relationship with Miles, the young Tailie fast-tracked as an Engineer Apprentice. However, after learning that Miles helped spark the revolution by informing LJ Folger of the truth, Bennett goes so far as to threaten Miles in his anger, although he doesn't seem to entirely blame Miles for his actions. When Miles tells Bennett that he helped free the Tail, Bennett states that Miles isn't a soldier but a tragic child.

As they are trapped together in the Engine, Bennett's attitude towards Miles quickly softens and he begins answering Miles' questions, including explaining why the Tail is kept so cold and dark. When Melanie contacts them with a plan, Miles and Bennett work seamlessly together to drive the train and disconnect seven cars to kill the enemy army. After they succeed, Bennett and Miles hug and Bennett congratulates Miles, addressing him as Engineer.

When the trains separate, Miles chooses to remain on Snowpiercer in order to continue learning from both Melanie and Bennett.

Appearances[edit | edit source]

Appearance EP1 EP2 EP3 EP4 EP5 EP6 EP7 EP8 EP9 EP10
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Appeared Did Not Appear H = Hallucinations
V = Voiced C = Cameo F = Flashback

Memorable Quotes[edit | edit source]

Melanie: "How’s young Miles and Miles?"
Miles: "I finished that exercise you gave me, Ms. Cavill."
Melanie: "You did this all by yourself?"
Miles: "It’s easier by myself. I see it like pictures."
Melanie: "I think maybe you should be teaching me. [smiles] Great work, Miles."
―  Melanie checking on Miles in his classroom in Trouble Comes Sideways.
Miles: "Password?"
LJ: "Eat the rich."
―  Miles letting LJ into the Engine in These Are His Revolutions.
Josie: "Miles… Miles… [hesitates] I didn’t want you to come."
Miles: "I don’t care, Mom. You’re my hero."
Murray: "Guess where he’s engineering? Life system."
Miles: "I wanna be one of the first colonists to be back out there."
Josie: "You hold on to that hope, Miles."
―  Miles visiting heavily injured Josie in A Single Trade.
Miles: "Melanie and Ben are the best engineers there’s ever been. I need to keep learning with them. I’ll be fine."
Josie: "Okay. Hey, One Tail. [Fist bump]
Layton: "One Tail. [Fist bump]
Miles: "One Tail. [Fist bump] Always. Okay, no crying, I’ll meet you at the breakpoint to say goodbye."
Josie: "Okay."
Layton: "Come here. [Group hug.]
Miles: "I love you guys. [Walks away.]
Josie: "Oh god. It hurts."
Layton: "Yeah, everyone’s gotta choose their own path."
―  Miles saying goodbye to his foster parents, Layton and Josie in The Original Sinners.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • His character seems similar to Tim from the film.
  • Although he wants to be one of the first colonists to be back out there as mentioned in A Single Trade. He chose to board Snowpiercer and leave New Eden behind to learn with Melanie and Bennett.
  • He's one of the few people to know the truth about Melanie Cavill, having presumably learned the truth from either Layton or Melanie herself due to his work in the Engine. In turn, Miles is the one who reveals the truth to LJ Folger. The password LJ gives to Miles, is a reference to Josie’s opening dialogue in Prepare to Brace.
  • Due to being one of the people to separate the cars, Miles is directly responsible for the deaths of 147 people. While Layton and Melanie disconnected the safety switches, it was Miles himself and Bennett, that flipped the switches that disconnected the cars and sent everyone to their deaths.
  • In Born to Bleed, Miles is shown to have grown a great deal and is now taller than Josie Wellstead and close in height to Layton with longer hair.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]