Template:Novel Le Transperceneige is a post-apocalyptic French graphic novel created by Jacques Lob and Jean-Marc Rochette, and was published in 1982 by Casterman, under the title Le Transperceneige, and later retitled The Escape.
The series was continued in two volumes by writer Benjamin Legrand, replacing Jacques Lob, with The Explorers published in 1999 and The Crossing in 2000.
A fourth volume, Terminus, was written by Olivier Bocquet and published in 2015, as a conclusion to the novels series.
In 2014 an English translation was released by Titan Comics. The English translation consisted of two volumes, Snowpiercer, Vol. 1: The Escape and Snowpiercer - The Explorers. Though the second volume only made mention of The Explorers in its title it also contained The Crossing. In 2016 a third English volume was published, translating the fourth French volume.