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Revision as of 06:11, 21 August 2022 by >Thossadharm (Changed appearance to table)

Jupiter is Joseph Wilford's dog aboard Big Alice.

Jupiter seems to be a dog with some sort of synthetic / Cybernetic life enhancer on her body. Considering her age being at least 14 years of age in an environment that allows for very little exercise and the collar that she wears with small metallic tubes entering through her chest its likely that the headwoods have extended her life for Wilford's use as an attack dog and a symbol of power.



Not much is known at this point about her past, All that is known is that Jupiter was previously Wilford’s dog before snow piercer left Chicago, But it is unknown how she appeared on Big Alice as one would assume she was onboard at the time, unless when Wilford exited he took her with him which is not out of the realm of possibility.

Anyway, Regardless of those events she managed to make it aboard Big Alice, Though when she is being fed she is seen being fed no less than two cans of the Wilford Spam meat, Which means that in terms of supplies Jupiter has been classified as twice as important as a regular passenger, Even being fed supplies that easily two people could live off of alone.

This does show that Wilford, all though he probably has the coldest heart out of anybody on the show, He does pertain some care for at least one creature on the train enough to keep it alive even by what looks like cybernetic modification. Now, it is unknown whether this is actually the case or not but by examining Jupiter lots of irregularities can be seen, the first being the lack of medical issues. Now, A Large dog breed like the Corso that plays Jupiter would require a hell of a lot of exercise and we do not see her getting much if any, And only having 50 cars that she can exercise in as well as a lack of an area specifically for her, she would have a-lot of medical problems. Its always possible that they own a treadmill for her on the train but even then medical issues would persist, It is suggested that the Headwood’s performed a cybernetic upgrade on her to make her live longer as well as function better in that environment, it could even be that she was augmented as well for cold resistance much like Icy Bob, Meaning she could of been the first test subject to survive sub zero temperatures.

Regardless of my theories at some points Jupiter is incredibly important to the story line, even being the murderer of The 5th engineer (Javier ‘Javi’) of the train.

Throughout The Series

Season 2



Appearance EP1 EP2 EP3 EP4 EP5 EP6 EP7 EP8 EP9 EP10
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3 H
Season 4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Appeared Did Not Appeared H = Hallucinations
V = Voiced C = Cameo F = Flashback

Season Two
Season Three

Memorable Quotes

Wilford: "Where are you going?"
Alex: "Suit check and gear lock. Gotta keep it nice and slow for her drop."
Wilford: "Jupiter."
Alex: "Down, Jupiter!"
Wilford: "I let you spoil her. The dog too. Go on, then. Say your last goodbyes."
―  Wilford and Alex controling Jupiter

Javi: "You can't kill me. You need engineers."
Wilford: "Attack!"
―  Wilford ordering Jupiter to attack Javier


  • Jupiter is a Cane Corso and may be named after the locomotive from the Golden Spike ceremony.
  • Jupiter has attacked Sykes and Javier De La Torre.
  • Jupiter is one of only two or three dogs left in the world according to Sykes in Setting Itself Right.

