Jupiter is Mr. Wilford's dog aboard Big Alice.
Jupiter seems to be a dog with some sort of synthetical life enhancer on her body, Considering her age being at least 14 years of age in an enviroment that allows for very little exercise and the collar that she wears with small metallic tubes enterring through her chest its likely that the headwoods have extended her life for Wilfords use considering she may very well be the last dog on earth, Other than those (possibly) kept on Snowpiercer which haven't been seen since long ago.
Throughout The Series
Season 2
- Season Two
Memorable Quotes
- Wilford: "Where are you going?"
- Alex: "Suit check and gear lock. Gotta keep it nice and slow for her drop."
- Wilford: "Jupiter."
- Alex: "Down, Jupiter!"
- Wilford: "I let you spoil her. The dog too. Go on, then. Say your last goodbyes."
- ― Wilford and Alex controling Jupiter
- Javi: "You can't kill me. You need engineers."
- Wilford: "Attack!"
- ― Wilford ordering Jupiter to attack Javier