Cherry Sherry is a recurring character on TNT's Snowpiercer. She is portrayed by Camille Atebe.
She was a Breachman.
Throughout The Series
- Season Two
Memorable Quotes
- Bojan: "Why so tense, Detective Till?"
- Bess: "Hmm? I don’t know. You guys seem a lot more jacked then me."
- Cherry: "Yeah, we’re juicing the world’s last steroids up in here."
- Bojan: "You are half-ass famous. The Brakemen helped lead the revolution."
- Bess: "That’s me. Where was your Guild?"
- Bojan: "Right here. We were in mourning."
- Cherry: "Yeah, when we found out Willford wasn’t even in the Engine, it was… very traumatic."
- ― Bess, Bojan and Cherry