Carly Roche

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Revision as of 09:00, 21 October 2022 by >Thossadharm (→‎Appearances)

Carly Roche is a recurring character on TNT's Snowpiecer. She is the daughter of Lead Brakeman Sam Roche.



When the world froze over, Carly and her parents survived by boarding Snowpiercer. However, her two siblings died in the Freeze.

Throughout the Series

Season 2

In Our Answer for Everything, Carly is in her family's quarters when Roche visits and when nearly everyone lights a lantern calling for Wilford.

In The Eternal Engineer, Roche discovers that his wife and daughter have been placed in the Drawers on Big Alice before he is placed in them as well.

Season 3

In The First Blow, after Layton retakes the train, Roche and his family are rescued from the Drawers by Bess Till and Doctor Pelton. However, while Roche and Carly are in stable condition, Anne has died during her six months in the Drawers.

In Bound by One Track, Carly is angry and resentful towards her father for getting drunk and staying away while they are both grieving Anne's loss. Bess Till attempts to get Carly to calm down, but she storms off, refusing to listen to her.

In Born to Bleed, Alex talks with Carly who is still grieving the loss of her mother and angry at her father over his failure to assassinate Joseph Wilford in revenge. Alex explains that Roche had simply made it too complicated by using the suspension drug while Alex had tried and failed to kill him with a blade to the carotid artery. The two girls bond and Alex convinces Carly to go see her father, helping her get in. Carly convinces her father to get himself released and rely upon her as they both grieve the loss of their loved one together, promising to be there for him.

In Setting Itself Right, Carly is sheltering in her family's cabin when the train passes through a cloud of toxic volcanic gas. Roche checks up on her as he makes his rounds and talks briefly about how he gets through each day because Carly is there for him. Much to Carly's annoyance, her father begins playing an old song, but she soon joins him in dancing to it, enjoying herself.

In The Original Sinners, Carly and her father choose to join those going on Big Alice to New Eden. Roche tells Till that it was Carly's choice and Carly states that she definitely wants off of the train. After Big Alice derails upon arriving at New Eden, Carly and her father emerge from the train and enjoy the warm outside together.


Appearance EP1 EP2 EP3 EP4 EP5 EP6 EP7 EP8 EP9 EP10
Season 1
Season 2 Drawers
Season 3 Drawers
Season 4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Appeared Did Not Appeared H = Hallucinations
V = Voiced C = Cameo F = Flashback
