Breslauer Weather Station is a weather station in the Rocky Mountains built by Wilford Industries. It is located at an elevation of 3.6km, several kilometers from the Rocky Mountains Test Track railroad system. The track's Berthoud Curve is the closest that Snowpiercer can get to it.
When The Freeze came, a team of three climate scientists tried to survive at the station, but they ran out of food, and by five months they had all killed themselves or one another.
Arthur was the first to go, the other two got rid of him. His wife and the other man knew he was a goner. Every day he lingered on was another day he was consuming food they needed. So they put him out of his misery and shot him in the head. His body was later disposed of outside and his right arm was cut of and put in the fridge (some of the arm is missing indicating cannibalism). Though she did hang on for five months, she later comited suicide by slitting her wrists. The other man possibly killed himself as well by going outside into the Freeze, as his body was located somewhere outside.
Seven years later, Melanie Cavill left Snowpiercer, traveled to the station and booted it up, to do research on CW-7 in the upper atmosphere, using weather balloons launched from Snowpiercer's engine as it made a short loop around Asia before it would return to collect her a month later. However, her snowmobile got stuck and she had to abandon it and her food rations before her EVA Suit ran out of power.
Melanie then lost all the food rations she had brought with her when an avalanche of ice and rock destroyed her sled and snowmobile before she could unload it, and the station's crew had long since eaten all the food that was left before they died. But she later discovered a previously unknown geothermal vent hidden behind one of the Station's walls, where a colony of rats had been surviving the Freeze for seven years. She began catching and cooking some of these rats to survive.
Melanie did complete the climate research data, though she had failed to promptly respond to one of Snowpiercer's balloons because the weather station's radio tower collapsed while she was there. She repaired the tower and restored her link with the balloons. Now without a snowmobile, Melanie had to carry her research on a sled and walk from the station back to the Rocky Mountains Test Track. Snowpiercer returned to pick up Melanie and her data and was aware of her presence trackside, but the train sped past her without stopping, because of Wilford.
Melanie then returned to the station, used the last of her power to save the data, left a message for Alex and walked out into the snow to die.
The Station had three crew members: Arthur, his wife and a male coworker.
The Station has a array of solar panels for power and a radio tower.
- Season Two
- Arthur and his wife had a daughter.
- The dead woman in the chair, may be a homage to the 1982 and 2011 film The Thing. In both cases a individual commits suicide by slitting their wrists, in a research station, in a cold hostile environment.
- Melanie ate the rat colony to extinction and the geothermal vent shut down.