It is unknown when or who founded the Tailie War Council, but the council has been working since the Year Three Rebellion.
The Council'd put a large round table near the door and use the end in Docking Car (C1001) as a "conference room". Some big rags would be hung to make it looked more like a room. An extremely small tiny hole (baby hand size with a metal cover) also exists, which is used by the tallies to see the outside to determine their position or to create a makeshift cinema projector using the hole.
Throughout the Series
When the Tailie's rations got cut, the council had a meeting in the Docking Car (Snowpiercer). The people attended includes Andre Layton, Josie Wellstead, Pike, Old Ivan, Mama Grandé, Santiago, Lights, Z-Wreck, Mr. Riggs, June, and a few unnamed Tailies. The conclusion was to rebel the next day. Although they stopped the plan as Layton got a removal request and was taken away.[1]
Shortly after the blackouts, and Pike, Z-Wreck and Strong Boy were taken to The Drawers. The council had its meeting once again. The people who attended includes Josie Wellstead, Mama Grandé, Lights, Santiago, Patterson, Murray, Mr. Riggs and Big John. Lights looked through the small hole and everyone become increasingly distressed when they realizse that they’re behind schedule, a sign that they’re losing power. Josie tries to calm everyone, citing that Wilford hasn’t uncoupled them yet. Mr. Riggs suggested that double bunk shares one normal water rations. Big John suggested to pull everyone up forward, to stick together and stay warm.[2]