The Last to Go

From Snowpiercer Wiki
Revision as of 02:54, 1 February 2022 by >WarGrowlmon18 (→‎Trivia)

The Last to Go will be the second episode of the third season of Snowpiercer. It will be the twenty-second episode of the series overall. The episode is expected to air on TNT January 31, 2022 and then internationally on Netflix the next day.


Layton goes on the hunt, as Wilford works to boost morale; the resistance discovers a threat that could undermine everything they've worked for.






Guest Starring






  • It's revealed that there's surviving rats on the train which are used as message couriers by Ruth and the resistance.
  • Bennett determines that the location checked out in The Tortoise and the Hare won't be habitable for a century "give or take" as, even though it's warming, the terrain isn't steep enough to be habitable yet. This is the same as the other four locations that they had checked out, leaving only one possible location left for recolonization. However, the train lacks the resources to make the journey there.
  • The Pirate train is once again referred to as Snowpiercer while the train that was left behind is simply called "Wilford's train" in Ruth's opening monologue and Wilford simply calls it "our train."
  • LJ and Oz get engaged and married.
    • Oz's full name is revealed to be John Christopher Ozweiler.
  • Layton identifies the Dragon's Blood Tree from his vision which he discovers only grows right in the middle of the last warm spots that Melanie had discovered: the Gulf of Aden in the Arabian Peninsula.
  • It's revealed that Wilford and his men believe that Ruth is on Layton's train.
  • Strong Boy is seen speaking full sentences in English.

Body Count

  • Ruth Wardell's first love and his rig crew (before The Freeze; mentioned only)
  • Mr. Headwood (influenza; mentioned only)
  • 33 scientists and their families (marauders, the Freeze and radiation poisoning; mentioned only)
  • Asha's nephew (mercy killed by Asha on account of thyroid cancer; mentioned only)
  • Marauders (mentioned only)




Behind the Scenes


See also
