The Supply Car(s) holds supplies for both Big Alice and Snowpiercer. As Big Alice was originally designated as a secondary supply train, many of its cars are dedicated to supporting Snowpiercer on its mission. Big Alice carries at least 27 identical cars with various supplies.
- Bogie Motors
- Redox Flow Batteries
- 2x Volt Sleds (1 taken by Cavill)
- Snowmobiles (1 taken by Cavill)
- God Module's (1 taken by Cavill, 1 used to fix The Engine)
- Bovine Cultures (Bull sperm and Cow Eggs) Said by engineer Bennet knox
- Seed Stores (Supposedly)
- Large Supplies of canned food and dried goods, Mostly a Spam like Substance seen in a scene were Alex is eating, along with dehydrated eggs and dehydrated milk.
- Various assorted goods, Including Paintings taken from Mr, Wilfords personal collections, As seen when he hangs up his faviourite painting up train stating that he has "Many" in storage down train.
- Guns and Ammunition + Handheld weaponry (Not mentioned anywhere, But its likely that Big alice has these due to the fact the Jackboots on board would've been ones left behind during the Tailee seige when departure was happening on Snowpiercer, These Jackboots had assault rifles and its likely during their time when Big Alice was hunkered down in low idle in her maintenance shed that survivors tried to get in, So ammunition and guns are likely abundant)
- Genetics equipment and other Science equipment, Known because of the headwoods.
- Synthetic Tissue Gel
- Supplies of Menial structual parts, Such as Metal beams and hex nuts and nails, Most likely wood aswell, Metallic plates for all breaches, Welding gear, Resin all of the maintenance equipment that would be needed to keep a Prototype engine in check.
- Insects and other animal DNA, Its likely there are other animals kept on board in stasis, Due to Soil needing fertiliser, And they may have an Agsec like Snowpiercer except less advanced, and less produced (We know they grow Cannibas)
Season 2