Category:Snowpiercer (Series Train) Cars

Category page
Revision as of 21:12, 21 February 2023 by >Spacedragon69 (Added info)

Snowpiercer (Series Train): 1001 Cars Long

This page categorizes Snowpiercer car-by-car. All 1001 cars long. Only canon cars are included (car number given (or determined) on screen.) The two-dimensional illustrations of the cars are from Alex Nice[1].

Based on in-universe math, the average length of the cars is little over 16 meters or 52.5 feet. Based on the blueprint of the Brakeman's Garrison in the title credits of the series, however, a typical car is about only 40 feet long and 13 feet 6 inches wide (12.2m long and 4.1m wide). From external images of the train, the height of cars seems to vary between about 1.5 and 2 times the width (20-26 feet, or 6-8m tall) and would fit about two stories and a half.

Based on the concept art by Alex Nice, the train is even larger, being around 9 meters wide, 12 meters tall and 65 meters long per car (83 meters at the engine). This would make the 1001 car train exceed a length of 38 miles or 65.1 km. This is probably the closest to the actual dimensions since most cars have 2 levels, plus the Sub-Train and the wheel mechanisms underneath them. However, the scale used during the set is downscaled.

According to Wilford, the train is 10 miles long[2] ("Three thousand souls stufffed into a ten miles steel tube"). This would put the average length of a carriage at 15.56m (10 miles = 16.09km, 16.09km = 16,090m, 16,090m/1034 carriages = 15.56m per carriage).

The Engine

1st Class / W-1.1-C0002 > ?

Section W-1.1

  • W-1.1-C0004 / First Class Library Car
  • W-1.1-C0006 / The Colvin-Lams' Carriage
  • W-1.1-C0XXX / Meat Locker Car
  • Derailed section includes 4 cars (C0007 - C0010)
  • W-1.1-C0011 / The Aquarium Car [4] and Sushi Bar (breached and destroyed)

Undetermined section

2nd Class / W-2.1-C0XXX > W-2.4-C0557

Section W-2.3

Section W-2.4 / C0XXX > C0557

  • W-2.4-C0XXX - Battery Car + subtrain station 2.16A
  • W-2.4-C0XXX - Battery Car + subtrain station 2.16B
  • W-2.4-C0545 > W-2.4-C0556 / The Drawers [6] (12 cars)
  • W-2.4-C0557 / The Night Car [6]

Undetermined section

3rd Class / W-3.1-C0558 > W-3.4-C1001

Section W-3.1 / C0558 > C0669 [7]

  • W-3.1-C0558 / Border Checkpoint Car [8][7] (sets of blueprints)
  • W-3.1-C0559-C0560 / Battery Cars + subtrain stations 3.01A-3.01B [7] (sets of blueprints)
  • W-3.1-C0561-C0565 / MEDSEC 3rd Class Clinic Cars [7] (sets of blueprints)
  • W-3.1-C0566 / MEDSEC 3rd Class Clinic Car Check-in [7][9] (sets of blueprints)
  • W-3.1-C0567 / Battery Car [9]
  • W-3.1-C0568 / Utility Car - Medical Storage [9]
  • W-3.1-C0569 / MEDSEC 3rd Class Clinic Car [9]
  • W-3.1-C0570 / EVA Car + midtrain cold-lock
  • W-3.1-C0571-C0572 / Battery Cars + subtrain stations 3.02A-3.02B
  • W-3.1-C0XXX-C0XXX / Battery Cars + subtrain stations 3.04A-3.04B
  • W-3.1-C0618 / AGSEC Seed Bank Car

Section W-3.3 / C0778 > C0889 [10]

  • W-3.3-C0779-C0780 / Utility Cars + subtrain stations 3.12A-3.12B [10]
  • W-3.3-C0781 / Unidentified Car [10]
  • W-3.3-C0782-0783 / AGSEC Greenhouse Cars [10] (sets of blueprints from Behind the Scene)
  • W-3.3-C0784 / Unidentified Car [10] (sets of blueprints from Behind the Scene)
  • W-3.3-C0785 / AGSEC Greenhouse Car [10] (sets of blueprints used by Nolan Grey)
  • W-3.3-C0794-C0795 / Unidentified Cars [11] (sets of blueprints used by Nolan Grey)
  • W-3.3-C0796 / AGSEC Greenhouse Car [11] (sets of blueprints used by Nolan Grey)
  • W-3.3-C0797-C0801 / Unidentified Cars [11] (sets of blueprints used by Nolan Grey)
  • W.3.3-C0802 / AGSEC Greenhouse Car (sets of blueprints used by Nolan Grey)
  • W.3.3-C0804-C0805 / AGSEC Greenhouse Cars [12] (sets of blueprints from Behind the Scene)
  • W.3.3-C0808 / AGSEC Greenhouse Car [12] (sets of blueprints from Behind the Scene)
  • W.3.3-C0809-C0810 / Battery Cars + subtrain stations (?)[12] (sets of blueprints from Behind the Scene)
  • W.3.3-C0811 / Unidentified Car [12] (sets of blueprints from Behind the Scene)
  • W-3.3-C0839-C0842 / AGSEC Greenhouse Cars [3]
  • W-3.3-C0843 / Unidentified Car [3]

Section W-3.4 / C0890 > C0997

  • W-3.4-C0991 / EVA Car + downtrain cold-lock [13]
  • W-3.4-C0992-C0995 / Unidentified cars [3] (Layton’s Tailie map)
  • W-3.4-C0996-C0997 / Utility Cars + subtrain stations 3.XXA-3.XXB

The Tail / CO998 > C1001

Undetermined section

  • C0XXX / 3rd Class Quarters
  • C0XXX / 3rd Class Mess Hall Car [14] (the one where Erik Sotto waits for the Border Car to open / uptrain from The Chains)
  • C0XXX / The Tea Room Car (uptrain from The Chains)
  • C0XXX / The Roches' Couchette (section W-3.1?)
  • C0XXX / Katya's Couchette (uptrain from The Chains)
  • C0XXX / The Chains
  • C0XXX / Muscle Breach Car (downtrain "AGSEC" 3rd Class Mess Hall Car, close to subtrain station 3.22A)
  • C0XXX / AGSEC Spice Greenhouse Cars (section W-3.3?)
  • C0XXX / AGSEC Poultry Car (section W-3.3?)
  • C0XXX / AGSEC Apiary Car (section W-3.3?)
  • C0XXX / AGSEC Cattle Car [15] (section W-3.3? / close to Battery Car + subtrain station 3.34A-3.34B)
  • C0XXX / SANSEC Sanitation Car (downtrain AGSEC)
  • C0XXX / Brakemen Garrison Car (downtrain SANSEC)
