Old Ivan

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Revision as of 21:44, 15 September 2022 by >Spacedragon69 (Added info)

Resistance is never futile, but Wilford's train is a fortress to class. Maybe it is perpetual.
— Old Ivan to Layton in First, the Weather Changed

Old Ivan is a recurring character in TNT's Snowpiercer. He is portrayed by Mark Margolis.

He was the oldest person on Snowpiercer and a longstanding, respected member of the Tail.



Not much is known about Old Ivan except that he had boarded Snowpiercer when he was 78 and that he had a wife before he boarded. During his 3rd year aboard the train the tail revolted but was defeated and he, along with 12 others later, had one of their arms lost as punishment. At some point he was also brought up past the Night Car to tune a piano.

Throughout The Series


He is shown to be one of the leading members of the Tail, and was a member of the small group in charge of planning the rebellion. During his birthday, he requested an hour alone with the only phone in the Tail so he could listen to a Rachmaninoff recording. His request was accepted by the other Tailies, and he played music whilst looking at old photographs of his wife. Shortly after, he hanged himself with the phone's electrical cord.

He was found shortly after, and his death was a catalyst for Pike's reaction and enactment of the rebellion.[1]



Appearance EP1 EP2 EP3 EP4 EP5 EP6 EP7 EP8 EP9 EP10
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Appeared Did Not Appeared H = Hallucinations
V = Voiced C = Cameo F = Flashback
Season One

Memorable Quotes

Season One

First, The Weather Changed

Old Ivan: "I will never be too old to remember the day they pulled me uptrain to tune a piano. It played beautifully except for one dead key... middle C. I guess no one remembered to bring some..."
Pike: "To bring piano wire, yeah. With all due respect, we heard it before, and this doesn't exactly fill the belly."
―  Ivan talking about the day he got out of The Tail.

Here. [Hands Layton a knife] You will do better with this than me. Resistance is never futile, but Wilford’s train is a fortress to class. Maybe it is perpetual. (...) Good luck my boy.
— Old Ivan to Layton as tomorrow The Tail plans to fight.


  • He hung himself on his birthday.
  • He is likely Russian due to his name.
  • He owned a tuning fork, that he held in his hand when hung himself and it dropped.
  • He listen to Rachmaninoff, Piano Concerto No 2.
  • His character seems similar to Gilliam from the Movie.

