Pastor Logan

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Pastor Logan is a character on TNT's Snowpiercer. He is portrayed by Bryan Terrell Clark. He is the Traitor of Snowpiercer, and an agitator of Wilfords word. He is responsible for the deaths of the Breachmen during the Second Season, and at lengths tries to convert Bess Till to Wilfords side, saying he wants to 'save her'.



Pastor Logan operates the Tea Room, It's suggested that he knows Joseph Wilford personally and through multiple scenes he is seen betraying the faith of everyone in the tea room whilst claiming to be an Evangelical by showing his copy of the Corinthian bible - but other than this, Not known is much about Pastor Logans past though it could include some sort of Boxing background as he suggests to Bess Till that they should spar. He is seen to be a very capable fighter which comes as a shock to Bess Till, During the Spar Pastor Logan speaks in strange Haiku's about pain, Quoting one of his rants he says 'Pain, Is something you try to avoid - but pain, is what you have become, You have to embrace pain and extinction' this is very similar to one of the Tailee's back when they tried to take Big Alice 'Your still Half Brakeman, Scared of whats on the otherside of the door. if you don't embrace extinction, your already dead.' Which may have planted the seed of doubt into her mind about where Pastor Logan's loyalty really lies, Infact, When questioned about his Faith, He passes it off by referring to the Bible. Even embracing the idea that Wilfords resurrection is a powerful narrative.

Throughout the Series




Season Two

Memorable Quotes

Bess: "You killed eight people."
Logan: "A small price to pay for peace. Don't you think?"
―  Bess and Logan about the Beachmen murders

Logan: "We all crave stability. But Wilford brings order. We just have to suffer for a moment... to get out salvation."
Bess: "You can't find relief without... hurting."
―  Logan to Bess


Eugenia's quote, "A New Shepherd" and her Saint Christopher medallion, allowed Bess Till to figure out that Pastor Logan was the Wilford Spy.
